Triantaphyllou Sevi
Triantaphyllou Sevi
在 hist.auth.gr 的电子邮件经过验证
Early farmers from across Europe directly descended from Neolithic Aegeans
Z Hofmanová, S Kreutzer, G Hellenthal, C Sell, Y Diekmann, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (25), 6886-6891, 2016
A bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric cemetery populations from western and central Greek Macedonia
S Triantaphyllou
Isotopic dietary reconstruction of humans from Middle Bronze age Lerna, Argolid, Greece
S Triantaphyllou, MP Richards, C Zerner, S Voutsaki
Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (11), 3028-3034, 2008
The genetic history of the Southern Arc: A bridge between West Asia and Europe
I Lazaridis, S Alpaslan-Roodenberg, A Acar, A Açıkkol, A Agelarakis, ...
Science 377 (6609), eabm4247, 2022
A bottom-up view of food surplus: using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis to investigate agricultural strategies and diet at Bronze Age Archontiko and Thessaloniki …
E Nitsch, S Andreou, A Creuzieux, A Gardeisen, P Halstead, V Isaakidou, ...
World Archaeology 49 (1), 105-137, 2017
Tholos Tomb Gamma: A Prepalatial Tholos Tomb at Phourni, Archanes
Y Papadatos
INSTAP Academic Press, 2005
Living with the dead: a re-consideration of mortuary practices in the Greek Neolithic
S Triantaphyllou
Escaping the labyrinth: the Cretan Neolithic in context, 136-154, 2008
Ancient DNA from Mesopotamia suggests distinct pre-pottery and pottery Neolithic migrations into Anatolia
I Lazaridis, S Alpaslan-Roodenberg, A Acar, A Açıkkol, A Agelarakis, ...
Science 377 (6609), 982-987, 2022
Of cattle and feasts: Multi-isotope investigation of animal husbandry and communal feasting at Neolithic Makriyalos, northern Greece
P Vaiglova, P Halstead, M Pappa, S Triantaphyllou, SM Valamoti, J Evans, ...
PLoS One 13 (6), e0194474, 2018
Health and disease in Greece: Past, present and future
C Roberts, C Bourbou, A Lagia, S Triantaphyllou, A Tsaliki
Health in antiquity, 54-80, 2004
Prehistoric Makriyalos: a story from the fragments
S Triantaphyllou
Neolithic society in Greece, 128-35, 1999
Strontium isotope evidence for human mobility in the Neolithic of northern Greece
HL Whelton, J Lewis, P Halstead, V Isaakidou, S Triantaphyllou, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 20, 768-774, 2018
Mochlos IIA: Period IV. The Mycenaean settlement and cemetery: the sites
JS Soles
INSTAP Academic Press, 2008
The human remains
S Triantaphyllou
Tholos Tomb Gamma: A Prepalatial Tholos Tomb at Phourni, Archanes, 66-76, 2005
Exploring mobility patterns and biological affinities in the southern Aegean: First insights from Early Bronze Age eastern Crete
S Triantaphyllou, E Nikita, T Kador
Annual of the British School at Athens 110, 3-25, 2015
The manipulation of death: a burial area at the Neolithic settlement of Avgi, NW Greece
G Stratouli, S Triantaphyllou, T Bekiaris, N Katsikaridis
Documenta Praehistorica 37, 95-104, 2010
Staging the manipulation of the dead in Pre-and Protopalatial Crete, Greece (3rd–early 2nd mill. BCE): From body wholes to fragmented body parts
S Triantaphyllou
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10, 769-779, 2016
The Neolithic site of Makriyalos, northern Greece: a reconstruction of the social and economic structure of the settlement through a comparative study of the finds
M Pappa, P Halstead, K Kotsakis, A Bogaard, R Fraser, V Isaakidou, ...
Diet, Economy and Society in the Ancient Greek World: Proceedings of the …, 2013
Middle Helladic Lerna: diet, economy and society
S Voutsaki, E Milka
Diet, economy and society in the ancient Greek world: towards a better …, 2013
Project on the Middle Helladic Argolid: a report on the 2006 season
S Voutsaki, S Triantaphyllou, A Ingvarsson-Sundström, K Sarri, ...
Pharos 14, 59-99, 2006
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