Buku ajar infeksi menular seksual D Murtiastutik Surabaya: FK Unair, 2008 | 96 | 2008 |
The effects of amniotic membrane stem cell-conditioned medium on photoaging CRS Prakoeswa, FD Pratiwi, N Herwanto, I Citrashanty, DM Indramaya, ... Journal of Dermatological Treatment, 2019 | 58 | 2019 |
Penderita Gonore di Divisi Penyakit Menular Seksual Unit Rawat Jalan Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya Tahun 2002–2006 FA Jawas, D Murtiastutik Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit & Kelamin 20 (3), 217-228, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
Perbedaan kadar malondialdehid (MDA) pada pasien dermatitis atopik dan nondermatitis atopik LK Ayuningati, D Murtiastutik, M Hoetomo Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin 30 (1), 58-65, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Nystatin profile on Candida species in HIV/AIDS patients with oral candidiasis: a phenomenology study D Murtiastutik, CS Maharani, MY Listiawan Journal of pure and Applied Microbiology 13 (4), 183-185, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Diagnostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio, and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in the diagnosis of erythema nodosum leprosum: A … N Tanojo, Damayanti, B Utomo, E Ervianti, D Murtiastutik, ... Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 7 (3), 39, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
C-reactive protein pada berbagai derajat keparahan psoriasis vulgaris L Setyowatie, H Sukanto, D Murtiastutik Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin 28 (2), 1-9, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Atlas HIV & AIDS dengan kelainan kulit D Murtiastutik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, Rumah Sakit Umum Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
Crusted scabies in patients with long-term use of oral corticosteroid with different underlying diseases–case series CS Maharani, DV Harnanti, H Mappamasing, S Widyantari, S Sawitri, ... Dermatology Reports 11 (s1), 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Vaginosis bakterial D Murtiastutik Dalam: Barakbah J, Lumintang H, Martodihardjo S, editor. Infeksi menular …, 2008 | 9 | 2008 |
In vitro antifungal susceptibility testing of tea tree oil (tto) 5% compared with nystatin against Candida sp. as important agent of oral candidiasis in HIV/AIDS patients E Lydiawati, MY Listiawan, D Murtiastutik, R Rahmadewi, ... Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (BIKKK) 32 (3), 189-194, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Fluconazole resistant oral candidiasis on HIV patient-what other drug can we choose? A case report D Murtiastutik, CR Prakoeswa, IS Tantular Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 14 (1), 31-36, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Profile of Candida resistancy to fluconazole in male patient with oral candidiasis and HIV/AIDS D Murtiastutik, CS Maharani Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research 10 (3), 1-6, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Profil Spesies Candida dari Kandidiasis Vulvovaginalis pada Pasien HIV/AIDS yang Mendapat Antibiotik Sistemik (Candida Species Profile of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis in HIV/AIDS … D Widasmara, S Suyoso, D Murtiastutik Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin 26 (3), 202-206, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Association between etiologic species with CD4 count and clinical features of oral candidiasis among HIV/AIDS patients D Murtiastutik, CRS Prakoeswa, IS Tantular, MY Listiawan, AN Hidayati, ... Journal of the Egyptian Women’s Dermatologic Society 19 (1), 51-57, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Systematical Review Efektivitas Pemberian Kapsul Ekstrak Channa striata Terhadap Kadar Albumin pada Kasus Luka Bakar NA Isamahendraa, L Harianib, D Murtiastutikc Jurnal Rekonstruksi & Estetik 6 (2), 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
The Genotype of Human Papilloma Virus on Male Patients with Anogenital Warts D Murtiastutik, G Mastutik, A Rahniayu, A Arista, T Setyaningrum Folia Medica Indonesiana 55 (2), 100-106, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Penelitian Retrospektif: Gambaran Klinis Herpes Simpleks Genitalis (A Retrospective Study: Clinical Manifestation of Genital Herpes Infection) L Bonita, D Murtiastutik Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin 29 (1), 30-35, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Gambaran Klinis Herpes Simpleks Genitalis (A Retrospective Study: Clinical Manifestation of Genital Herpes Infection) L Bonita, M Dwi Periodical of Dermatology and Venereology 29 (1), 30-35, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Studi retrospektif: karakteristik papular pruritic eruption (PPE) pada pasien HIV/AIDS A Arista, D Murtiastutik Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin 27 (3), 204-210, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |