Victor B. Flatt
Victor B. Flatt
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The effects of state and local antidiscrimination policies on earnings for gays and lesbians
MM Klawitter, V Flatt
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association …, 1998
A dirty river runs through it (the failure of enforcement in the Clean Water Act)
VB Flatt
BC Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 25, 1, 1997
Adapting laws for a changing world: a systemic approach to climate change adaptation
VB Flatt
Fla. L. Rev. 64, 269, 2012
Paving the legal path for carbon sequestration from coal
VB Flatt
Duke Envtl. L. & Pol'y F. 19, 211, 2008
Act locally, affect globally: How changing social norms to influence the private sector shows a path to using local government to improve environmental harms
VB Flatt
BC Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 35, 455, 2008
This Land Is Your Land (Our Right to the Environment)
VB Flatt
W. Va. L. Rev. 107, 1, 2004
Saving the Lost Sheep: Bringing Environmental Values Back into the Fold with a New EPA Decisionmaking Paradigm
VB Flatt
Wash. L. Rev. 74, 1, 1999
Gasping for breath: the administrative flaws of federal hazardous air pollution regulation and what we can learn from the states
VB Flatt
Ecology LQ 34, 107, 2007
Spare the Rod and Spoil the Law: Why the Clean Water Act Has Never Grown Up
VB Flatt
Ala. L. Rev. 55, 595, 2003
Adaptation, legal resiliency, and the US Army Corps of Engineers: managing water supply in a climate-altered world
VB Flatt, JM Tarr
NCL Rev. 89, 1499, 2010
Human environment of the mind: correcting NEPA implementation by treating environmental philosophy and environmental risk allocation as environmental values under NEPA
VB Flatt
Hastings LJ 46, 85, 1994
Taking the Legislative Temperature: Which Federal Climate Change Legislative Proposal Is Best
VB Flatt
Nw. L. Rev. Colloquy 102, 123, 2007
Legal protection of the environment
CN Johnston, WF Funk, VB Flatt
(No Title), 2005
Environmental enforcement in dire straits: there is no protection for nothing and no data for free
VB Flatt, PM Collins Jr
Notre Dame L. Rev. 85, 55, 2009
Long term recovery in disaster response and the role of non-profits
VB Flatt, J Stys
Oñati socio-legal series 3 (2), 2013
The Costs of Creating Environmental Markets: A Commodification Primer
M Pappas, VB Flatt
UC Irvine L. Rev. 9, 731, 2018
[H] e Should at His Peril Keep It There: How The Common Law Tells Us That Risk Based Corrective Action is Wrong
VB Flatt
Notre Dame L. Rev. 76, 341, 2000
Regulatory blowout: How regulatory failures made the BP disaster possible, and how the system can be fixed to avoid a recurrence
A Flournoy, WL Andreen, RM Bratspies, H Doremus, VB Flatt, ...
Not One Without the Other: The Challenge of Integrating US Environment, Energy, Climate, and Economic Policy
VB Flatt, H Payne
Envtl. L. 44, 1079, 2014
Frozen in Time: The Ossification of Environmental Statutory Change and the Theatre of the (Administrative) Absurd
VB Flatt
Fordham Environmental Law Review 24 (2), 125-148, 2013
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