Astroglial Kir4. 1 in the lateral habenula drives neuronal bursts in depression Y Cui, Y Yang, Z Ni, Y Dong, G Cai, A Foncelle, S Ma, K Sang, S Tang, ... Nature 554 (7692), 323-327, 2018 | 456 | 2018 |
Monte Carlo simulations of enzyme reactions in two dimensions: fractal kinetics and spatial segregation H Berry Biophysical journal 83 (4), 1891-1901, 2002 | 314 | 2002 |
Glutamate regulation of calcium and IP3 oscillating and pulsating dynamics in astrocytes M De Pittà, M Goldberg, V Volman, H Berry, E Ben-Jacob Journal of biological physics 35, 383-411, 2009 | 216 | 2009 |
A tale of two stories: astrocyte regulation of synaptic depression and facilitation M De Pittà, V Volman, H Berry, E Ben-Jacob PLoS computational biology 7 (12), e1002293, 2011 | 147 | 2011 |
Localization of Protein Aggregation in Escherichia coli Is Governed by Diffusion and Nucleoid Macromolecular Crowding Effect AS Coquel, JP Jacob, M Primet, A Demarez, M Dimiccoli, T Julou, ... PLoS computational biology 9 (4), e1003038, 2013 | 146 | 2013 |
Nonlinear gap junctions enable long-distance propagation of pulsating calcium waves in astrocyte networks M Goldberg, M De Pittà, V Volman, H Berry, E Ben-Jacob PLoS computational biology 6 (8), e1000909, 2010 | 131 | 2010 |
Computational quest for understanding the role of astrocyte signaling in synaptic transmission and plasticity M De Pittà, V Volman, H Berry, V Parpura, A Volterra, E Ben-Jacob Frontiers in computational neuroscience 6, 98, 2012 | 106 | 2012 |
Automatic abstraction and fault tolerance in cortical microachitectures A Hashmi, H Berry, O Temam, M Lipasti ACM SIGARCH computer architecture news 39 (3), 1-10, 2011 | 94 | 2011 |
Antibiotic resistance and virulence properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains from mechanically ventilated patients with pneumonia in intensive care units: comparison with … P Di Martino, H Gagnière, H Berry, L Bret Microbes and infection 4 (6), 613-620, 2002 | 88 | 2002 |
Suppression of IGF‐I signals in neural stem cells enhances neurogenesis and olfactory function during aging Z Chaker, S Aïd, H Berry, M Holzenberger Aging cell 14 (5), 847-856, 2015 | 84 | 2015 |
Anomalous diffusion due to hindering by mobile obstacles undergoing Brownian motion or Orstein-Ulhenbeck processes H Berry, H Chaté Physical Review E 89 (2), 022708, 2014 | 77 | 2014 |
Endocannabinoids mediate bidirectional striatal spike‐timing‐dependent plasticity Y Cui, V Paillé, H Xu, S Genet, B Delord, E Fino, H Berry, L Venance The Journal of Physiology 593 (13), 2833-2849, 2015 | 74 | 2015 |
Effects of Hebbian learning on the dynamics and structure of random networks with inhibitory and excitatory neurons B Siri, M Quoy, B Delord, B Cessac, H Berry Journal of Physiology-Paris 101 (1-3), 136-148, 2007 | 73 | 2007 |
Supervised and evolutionary learning of echo state networks F Jiang, H Berry, M Schoenauer Parallel Problem Solving from Nature–PPSN X: 10th International Conference …, 2008 | 72 | 2008 |
Glutamate mediated astrocytic filtering of neuronal activity G Wallach, J Lallouette, N Herzog, M De Pittà, EB Jacob, H Berry, ... PLoS computational biology 10 (12), e1003964, 2014 | 71 | 2014 |
From in silico astrocyte cell models to neuron-astrocyte network models: A review F Oschmann, H Berry, K Obermayer, K Lenk Brain research bulletin 136, 76-84, 2018 | 69 | 2018 |
Statistical conformation of human plasma fibronectin J Pelta, H Berry, GC Fadda, E Pauthe, D Lairez Biochemistry 39 (17), 5146-5154, 2000 | 69 | 2000 |
Simulation of calcium signaling in fine astrocytic processes: Effect of spatial properties on spontaneous activity A Denizot, M Arizono, UV Nägerl, H Soula, H Berry PLoS computational biology 15 (8), e1006795, 2019 | 66 | 2019 |
Endocannabinoid dynamics gate spike-timing dependent depression and potentiation Y Cui, I Prokin, H Xu, B Delord, S Genet, L Venance, H Berry Elife 5, e13185, 2016 | 66 | 2016 |
Adsorption-induced fibronectin aggregation and fibrillogenesis D Pellenc, H Berry, O Gallet Journal of colloid and interface science 298 (1), 132-144, 2006 | 63 | 2006 |