Dmytro Paliy
Dmytro Paliy
SW Manager - Imaging, AAC Technologies
在 tut.fi 的电子邮件经过验证
Blur identification by multilayer neural network based on multivalued neurons
I Aizenberg, DV Paliy, JM Zurada, JT Astola
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 19 (5), 883-898, 2008
Spatially adaptive color filter array interpolation for noiseless and noisy data
D Paliy, V Katkovnik, R Bilcu, S Alenius, K Egiazarian
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 17 (3), 105-122, 2007
Impulsive noise removal using threshold Boolean filtering based on the impulse detecting functions
I Aizenberg, C Butakoff, D Paliy
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 12 (1), 63-66, 2004
A Feedforward Neural Network based on Multi-Valued Neurons
I Aizenberg
Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications. Advances in Soft …, 2005
Multichannel image deblurring of raw color components
M Trimeche, D Paliy, M Vehvilainen, V Katkovnic
Computational imaging III 5674, 169-178, 2005
Denoising and interpolation of noisy Bayer data with adaptive cross-color filters
D Paliy, A Foi, R Bilcu, V Katkovnik
Visual Communications and Image Processing 2008 6822, 504-516, 2008
Frequency domain blind deconvolution in multiframe imaging using anisotropic spatially-adaptive denoising
V Katkovnik, D Paliy, K Egiazarian, J Astola
2006 14th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-5, 2006
Blur identification using neural network for image restoration
I Aizenberg, D Paliy, C Moraga, J Astola
Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications: International …, 2006
Detectors of impulsive noise and new effective filters for impulsive noise reduction
IN Aizenberg, JT Astola, T Bregin, C Butakoff, KO Egiazarian, D Paliy
Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems II 5014, 419-428, 2003
Apparatus, method, mobile station and computer program product for noise estimation, modeling and filtering of a digital image
A Foi, V Katkovnik, D Paliy, K Egiazarian, M Trimeche, S Alenius, R Bilcu, ...
US Patent 7,652,788, 2010
Multilayer neural network based on multi-valued neurons and the blur identification problem
I Aizenberg, D Paliy, JT Astola
The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings …, 2006
Method and system of lens shading color correction using block matching
D Paliy
US Patent 9,186,909, 2015
Performance study of adaptive filtering in bispectrum signal reconstruction
AV Totsky, DV Fevralev, VV Lukin, VY Katkovnik, DV Paliy, KO Egiazarian, ...
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 25, 315-342, 2006
Joint deblurring and demosaicing of poissonian bayer data based on local adaptivity
D Paliya, A Foia, R Bilcub, V Katkovnika, K Egiazariana
Proc. 16th EUropean SIgnal Process COnference (EUSIPCO), 2008
Demosaicing of noisy data: spatially adaptive approach
D Paliy, M Trimeche, V Katkovnik, S Alenius
Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems V 6497, 179-190, 2007
Method and system of light source estimation for image processing
E Krestyannikov, D Paliy
US Patent 10,542,243, 2020
Anisotropic nonparametric image restoration demobox “(MATLAB software)
A Foi, D Paliy, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
LASIP (Local Approximations in Signal and Image Processing) Project, 2005
Techniques to reduce color artifacts in a digital image
D Paliy, L Lampinen, J Nikkanen
US Patent 9,361,537, 2016
Effective detection and elimination of impulsive noise with a minimal image smoothing
I Aizenberg, J Astola, C Butakoff, K Egiazarian, D Paliy
Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2003
New method for the impulsive noise filtering using its preliminary detection
I Aizenberg, T Bregin, D Paliy
SPIE Proceedings 4667, 204-214, 2002
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