Leanne Bartley
Leanne Bartley
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Putting transitivity to the test: a review of the Sydney and Cardiff models
LV Bartley
Functional linguistics 5 (1), 4, 2018
Constructing perceptions of sexual orientation: A corpus-based critical discourse analysis of transitivity in the Irish press
L Bartley, E Hidalgo-Tenorio
Estudios Irlandeses, 14-34, 2015
Transitivity, no stone left unturned: Introducing flexibility and granularity into the framework for the analysis of courtroom discourse
LV Bartley
Universidad de Granada, 2017
Evaluation and attitude towards homosexuality in the Irish context: A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of APPRAISAL patterns in 2008 newspaper articles
L Bartley, MA Benitez-Castro
Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies 16 (1), 1, 2016
“Justice demands that you find this man not guilty”: A transitivity analysis of the closing arguments of a rape case that resulted in a wrongful conviction
LV Bartley
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 28 (3), 480-495, 2018
“Well, I think that my argument is…,” or modality in a learner corpus of English
L Bartley, E Hidalgo-Tenorio
Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied …, 2016
‘Please make your verdict speak the truth’: Insights from an Appraisal analysis of the closing arguments from a rape trial
LV Bartley
Text & Talk 40 (4), 421-442, 2020
“To be Irish, gay, and on the outside”: A critical discourse analysis of the Other after the Celtic Tiger period
L Bartley, E Hidalgo-Tenorio
Journal of Language and Sexuality 5 (1), 1-36, 2016
Girl A: The Truth about the Rochdale Sex Ring by the Individual Who Stopped Them: A CDA of a Rape Victim’s Testimony
LV Bartley
Applied linguistics 39 (3), 352-372, 2018
Accuracies and inaccuracies in EFL learners" written vocabulary use".
L Bartley, MÁB Castro
Revista española de lingüística aplicada, 45-66, 2013
For the many, not the few: A transitivity analysis of Labour’s 2017 manifesto as a driving force for promoting a populist Britain
L Bartley
Populist Discourse, 136-151, 2019
‘Rising Number of Homeless is the Legacy of Tory Failure’: Discoursal Changes and Transitivity Patterns in the Representation of Homelessness in The Guardian and Daily Mail …
EM Gómez-Jiménez, LV Bartley
Applied Linguistics 44 (4), 771-790, 2023
“They fabricated lies against us and described us in the harshest of ways” An analysis of the transitivity patterns used in the online magazine DABIQ
L Bartley
Pragmatics and Society 13 (3), 431-452, 2022
Learner corpus evidence fed to a learning management system
L Bartley, S Valera
Proceedings of the ICETI Conference, 27-30, 2011
A transitivity-based exploration of a wrongful conviction for arson and murder: The case of Kristine Bunch
L Bartley
Language, Context and Text 4 (2), 304-334, 2022
“The Jogger and the Wolfpack”: An Analysis of the TRANSITIVITY Patterns in the Global Media Coverage of the 1989 Central Park Five Case
LV Bartley
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law-Revue internationale de …, 2024
Legal Pragmatics, Dennis Kurzon, Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia (2018), 278 pp., ISBN 978-9027200716 (Hardback), EUR 95| USD 143
LV Bartley
Journal of Pragmatics 139, 129-131, 2019
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