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Sea surface salinity estimates from spaceborne L-band radiometers: An overview of the first decade of observation (2010–2019)
N Reul, SA Grodsky, M Arias, J Boutin, R Catany, B Chapron, F d'Amico, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 242, 111769, 2020
强制性开放获取政策: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Correcting sea surface temperature spurious effects in salinity retrieved from spaceborne L-band radiometer measurements
J Boutin, JL Vergely, EP Dinnat, P Waldteufel, F D’Amico, N Reul, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (9), 7256-7269, 2020
强制性开放获取政策: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration