Genre as Social Action CR Miller Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (2), 151-167, 1984 | 6995 | 1984 |
Rhetorical Community: The Cultural Basis of Genre CR Miller Genre and the New Rhetoric, 68-78, 1994 | 871 | 1994 |
Blogging as social action: A genre analysis of the weblog CR Miller, D Shepherd Into the blogosphere: Rhetoric, community, and culture of weblogs, 1-24, 2004 | 834 | 2004 |
A humanistic rationale for technical writing CR Miller Central works in technical communication, Eds. Stuart Selber and Johndan …, 2004 | 825* | 2004 |
A humanistic rationale for technical writing CR Miller College English 40 (6), 610-617, 1979 | 766 | 1979 |
What’s practical about technical writing? CR Miller Technical writing: Theory and practice, 14-24, 1989 | 286 | 1989 |
What can automation tell us about agency? CR Miller Rhetoric Society Quarterly 37 (2), 137–157, 2007 | 264* | 2007 |
Kairos in the rhetoric of science CR Miller A rhetoric of doing: Essays on written discourse in honor of James L …, 1992 | 259 | 1992 |
Questions for genre theory from the blogosphere CR Miller, D Shepherd Genres in the Internet: Issues in the Theory of Genre, 263-290, 2009 | 217 | 2009 |
Active and interactive learning online: A comparison of Web-based and conventional writing classes B Mehlenbacher, CR Miller, D Covington, JS Larsen IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 43 (2), 166-184, 2000 | 204 | 2000 |
Understanding failures in organizational discourse: The accident at Three Mile Island and the shuttle Challenger disaster CG Herndl, BA Fennell, CR Miller Textual dynamics of the professions: Historical and contemporary studies of …, 1991 | 200 | 1991 |
Special topics of argument in engineering reports CR Miller, J Selzer Writing in nonacademic settings, 309-341, 1985 | 183 | 1985 |
The Aristotelian topos: Hunting for novelty CR Miller Rereading Aristotle’s rhetoric, 130-46, 2000 | 181 | 2000 |
The low-level radioactive waste siting controversy in North Carolina: Toward a rhetorical model of risk communication SB Katz, CR Miller Green culture: Environmental rhetoric in contemporary America, 111-140, 1996 | 175 | 1996 |
IText: Future directions for research on the relationship between information technology and writing C Geisler, C Bazerman, S Doheny-Farina, L Gurak, C Haas, ... Journal of Business and Technical Communication 15 (3), 269–308, 2001 | 166 | 2001 |
Gênero textual, agência e tecnologia CR MILLER São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2012 | 156 | 2012 |
Genre as Social Action (1984), Revisited 30 Years Later (2014) CR Miller Letras & Letras 31 (3), 56-72, 2015 | 146 | 2015 |
Estudos sobre gênero textual, agência e tecnologia CR Miller DIONÍSIO. AP; HOFFNAGEL, JC (Orgs.). Recife: Editora da UFPE, 2009 | 140 | 2009 |
Gênero como ação social CR MILLER Gênero textual, agência e tecnologia. Tradução de Judith Chambliss Hoffnagel …, 2009 | 135 | 2009 |
The presumptions of expertise: The role of ethos in risk analysis CR Miller Configurations 11 (2), 163-202, 2003 | 125 | 2003 |