Naomi Henderson (Decker, Naik)
Naomi Henderson (Decker, Naik)
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
在 columbia.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Model projections of an imminent transition to a more arid climate in southwestern North America
R Seager, M Ting, I Held, Y Kushnir, J Lu, G Vecchi, HP Huang, N Harnik, ...
Science 316 (5828), 1181-1184, 2007
Thermodynamic and dynamic mechanisms for large-scale changes in the hydrological cycle in response to global warming
R Seager, N Naik, GA Vecchi
Journal of climate 23 (17), 4651-4668, 2010
Modeling of tropical forcing of persistent droughts and pluvials over western North America: 1856–2000
R Seager, Y Kushnir, C Herweijer, N Naik, J Velez
Journal of climate 18 (19), 4065-4088, 2005
Is the Gulf Stream responsible for Europe's mild winters?
R Seager, DS Battisti, J Yin, N Gordon, N Naik, AC Clement, MA Cane
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2002
Projections of declining surface-water availability for the southwestern United States
R Seager, M Ting, C Li, N Naik, B Cook, J Nakamura, H Liu
Nature Climate Change 3 (5), 482-486, 2013
Causes of the 2011–14 California drought
R Seager, M Hoerling, S Schubert, H Wang, B Lyon, A Kumar, ...
Journal of Climate 28 (18), 6997-7024, 2015
Strengthening tropical Pacific zonal sea surface temperature gradient consistent with rising greenhouse gases
R Seager, M Cane, N Henderson, DE Lee, R Abernathey, H Zhang
Nature Climate Change 9 (7), 517-522, 2019
Northern Hemisphere winter snow anomalies: ENSO, NAO and the winter of 2009/10
R Seager, Y Kushnir, J Nakamura, M Ting, N Naik
Geophysical research letters 37 (14), 2010
Wind-driven shifts in the latitude of the Kuroshio–Oyashio Extension and generation of SST anomalies on decadal timescales
R Seager, Y Kushnir, NH Naik, MA Cane, J Miller
Journal of Climate 14 (22), 4249-4265, 2001
Mexican drought: an observational modeling and tree ring study of variability and climate change
R Seager, M Ting, M DAVIS, M CANE, N NAIK, J NAKAMURA, C Li, ...
Atmósfera 22 (1), 1-31, 2009
Mechanisms of tropical Atlantic SST influence on North American precipitation variability
Y Kushnir, R Seager, M Ting, N Naik, J Nakamura
Journal of Climate 23 (21), 5610-5628, 2010
Causes of Atlantic Ocean climate variability between 1958 and 1998
R Seager, Y Kushnir, M Visbeck, N Naik, J Miller, G Krahmann, H Cullen
Journal of Climate 13 (16), 2845-2862, 2000
Climatology, variability, and trends in the US vapor pressure deficit, an important fire-related meteorological quantity
R Seager, A Hooks, AP Williams, B Cook, J Nakamura, N Henderson
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 54 (6), 1121-1141, 2015
An ocean model's response to North Atlantic Oscillation‐like wind forcing
M Visbeck, H Cullen, G Krahmann, N Naik
Geophysical research letters 25 (24), 4521-4524, 1998
Hurricanes and climate: the US CLIVAR working group on hurricanes
KJE Walsh, SJ Camargo, GA Vecchi, AS Daloz, J Elsner, K Emanuel, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96 (6), 997-1017, 2015
Air–sea interaction and the seasonal cycle of the subtropical anticyclones
R Seager, R Murtugudde, N Naik, A Clement, N Gordon, J Miller
Journal of climate 16 (12), 1948-1966, 2003
Diagnostic computation of moisture budgets in the ERA-Interim reanalysis with reference to analysis of CMIP-archived atmospheric model data
R Seager, N Henderson
Journal of Climate 26 (20), 7876-7901, 2013
Causes of increasing aridification of the Mediterranean region in response to rising greenhouse gases
R Seager, H Liu, N Henderson, I Simpson, C Kelley, T Shaw, Y Kushnir, ...
Journal of Climate 27 (12), 4655-4676, 2014
Does global warming cause intensified interannual hydroclimate variability?
R Seager, N Naik, L Vogel
Journal of Climate 25 (9), 3355-3372, 2012
Warren revisited: Atmospheric freshwater fluxes and “Why is no deep water formed in the North Pacific”
J Emile‐Geay, MA Cane, N Naik, R Seager, AC Clement, A van Geen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C6), 2003
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