Ingvill Rasmussen
Ingvill Rasmussen
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Introduction: Learning across sites; new tools, infrastructures and practices
S Ludvigsen, A Lund, I Rasmussen
Learning across sites, 13-26, 2010
Med ARK&APP. Bruk av læremidler og ressurser for læring på tvers av arbeidsformer
Ø Gilje, L Ingulfsen, JA Dolonen, A Furberg, I Rasmussen, A Kluge, ...
Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo, 2016
Classroom dialogue and digital technologies: A scoping review
L Major, P Warwick, I Rasmussen, S Ludvigsen, V Cook
Education and information technologies 23, 1995-2028, 2018
The right tool for the wrong task? Match and mismatch between first and second stimulus in double stimulation
A Lund, I Rasmussen
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 3, 387-412, 2008
Intersecting trajectories of participation: Temporality and learning
S Ludvigsen, I Rasmussen, I Krange
Learning across sites, 117-133, 2010
Project Work and ICT: Studying Learning as Participation Trejectories
I Rasmussen
Faculty of Education, University of Oslo: Unipub, 2005
The hedgehog and the fox: A discussion of the approaches to the analysis of ICT reforms in teacher education of Larry Cuban and Yrjö Engeström
I Rasmussen, S Ludvigsen
Mind, Culture, and Activity 16 (1), 83-104, 2009
Learning with computer tools and environments: A sociocultural perspective
I Rasmussen, S Ludvigsen
International handbook of psychology in education, 399-433, 2010
Læringsressurser og lærerrollen–et partnerskap i endring?
I Rasmussen, A Lund
Acta Didactica Norge 9 (1), 18-20 sider, 2015
Facilitating students’ individual and collective knowledge construction through microblogs
I Rasmussen, Å Hagen
International Journal of Educational Research 72, 149-161, 2015
Med Ark&App
Ø Gilje, L Ingulfsen, JA Dolonen, A Furberg, I Rasmussen, A Kluge, ...
Bruk av læremidler og ressurser for læring på tvers av arbeidsformer, 2016
Joint designs for working in wikis: a case of practicing across settings and modes of work
A Lund, I Rasmussen, O Smørdal
Activity theory in practice, 207-230, 2013
The process of understanding the task: how is agency distributed between students, teachers and representations in technology-rich learning environments?
I Rasmussen, I Krange, SR Ludvigsen
International Journal of Educational Research 39 (8), 839-849, 2003
Zombies and ethical theories: Exploring transformational play as a framework for teaching with videogames
F de Sousa, I Rasmussen, P Pierroux
Learning, culture and social interaction 19, 40-50, 2018
Modeller på reise
SR Ludvigsen, I Rasmussen
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 1 (3), 227-251, 2006
Realising ‘dialogic intentions’ when working with a microblogging tool in secondary school classrooms
P Warwick, V Cook, M Vrikki, L Major, I Rasmussen
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 24, 100376, 2020
Who has power? An investigation of how one teacher led her class towards understanding an academic concept through talking and microblogging
KA Rødnes, I Rasmussen, M Omland, V Cook
Teaching and Teacher Education 98, 103229, 2021
Faktaorientering og forståelsesorientering i elevers bruk av nettbaserte læringsomgivelser. I TE Hauge & A. Lund (Red.)
A Furberg, I Rasmussen
Små skritt eller store sprang? Om digitale tilstander i skolen, 57, 2012
Tasks 2.0: Education meets social computing and mass collaboration
A Lund, I Rasmussen
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2010
The distribution and productivity of whole-class dialogues: Exploring the potential of microblogging
JIJ Frøytlog, I Rasmussen
International Journal of Educational Research 99, 101501, 2020
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