Daniel Rudmark
Daniel Rudmark
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) / University of Gothenburg
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Is the public motivated to engage in open data innovation?
G Juell-Skielse, A Hjalmarsson, P Johannesson, D Rudmark
Electronic Government: 13th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2014 …, 2014
Extending digital infrastructures: a typology of growth tactics
D Koutsikouri, R Lindgren, O Henfridsson, D Rudmark
Journal of Association for Information Systems 19 (10), 1001-1019, 2018
Beyond innovation contests: A framework of barriers to open innovation of digital services
A Hjalmarsson, P Johannesson, G Juell-Skielse, D Rudmark
ECIS 14 22nd European Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv, 5-13 June …, 2014
Designing digital innovation contests
A Hjalmarsson, D Rudmark
Design Science Research in Information Systems. Advances in Theory and …, 2012
Contests as innovation intermediaries in open data markets
G Juell-Skielse, A Hjalmarsson, E Juell-Skielse, P Johannesson, ...
Information Polity 19 (3-4), 247-262, 2014
Mind the gap: exploring stakeholders' value with open data assessment
A Hjalmarsson, N Johansson, D Rudmark
2015 48th Hawaii international conference on system sciences, 1314-1323, 2015
Crowdpushing: The flip side of crowdsourcing
D Rudmark, E Arnestrand, M Avital
20th European Conference of Information Systems, Barcelona (ECIS), Spain …, 2012
From contest to market entry: A longitudinal survey of innovation barriers constraining open data service development
A Hjalmarsson, G Juell-Skielse, WY Ayele, D Rudmark, P Johannesson
23rd European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS, Münster, Germany, May …, 2015
When designers are not in control–experiences from using action research to improve researcher-developer collaboration in design science research
A Hjalmarsson, D Rudmark, M Lind
Global Perspectives on Design Science Research: 5th International Conference …, 2010
The need for systems development capability in design science research: enabling researcher-systems developer collaboration
S Cronholm, H Göbel, M Lind, D Rudmark
Information systems and e-business management 11, 335-355, 2013
Design science research for business process design: Organizational transition at intersport Sweden
M Lind, D Rudmark, U Seigerroth
Human Benefit through the Diffusion of Information Systems Design Science …, 2010
Open data standards: Vertical industry standards to unlock digital ecosystems
D Rudmark
53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020
Third-party development for multi-contextual services: on the mechanisms of control
D Rudmark, A Ghazawneh
Sustainable open data ecosystems in smart cities: A platform theory-based analysis of 19 European cities
M Lnenicka, A Nikiforova, A Clarinval, M Luterek, D Rudmark, S Neumaier, ...
Cities 148, 104851, 2024
Identifying patterns and recommendations of and for sustainable open data initiatives: a benchmarking-driven analysis of open government data initiatives among European countries
M Lnenicka, A Nikiforova, M Luterek, P Milic, D Rudmark, S Neumaier, ...
Government Information Quarterly 41 (1), 101898, 2024
Harnessing digital ecosystems through open data–diagnosing the Swedish public transport industry
D Rudmark, A Hjalmarsson Jordanius
The practices of unpaid third-party developers–Implications for API design
D Rudmark
Feedback loops in open data ecosystems
D Rudmark, M Andersson
IEEE Software 39 (1), 43-47, 2021
Design science research demonstrators for punctuation–the establishment of a service ecosystem
D Rudmark, M Lind
Service-Oriented Perspectives in Design Science Research: 6th International …, 2011
Designing platform emulation
D Rudmark
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