Rodrigo Oyonarte
Rodrigo Oyonarte
Profesor Titular, Director Programa de Especialización en Ortodoncia, Universidad de los Andes
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Peri-implant bone response to orthodontic loading: Part 2. Implant surface geometry and its effect on regional bone remodeling
R Oyonarte, RM Pilliar, D Deporter, DG Woodside
American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics 128 (2), 182-189, 2005
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulation of condylar growth in rats
R Oyonarte, M Zárate, F Rodriguez
The Angle Orthodontist 79 (5), 964-970, 2009
Peri-implant bone response to orthodontic loading: Part 1. A histomorphometric study of the effects of implant surface design
R Oyonarte, RM Pilliar, D Deporter, DG Woodside
American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics 128 (2), 173-181, 2005
Threaded Versus Porous-Surfaced Implants as Anchorage Units for Orthodontic Treatment: Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Pen-implant Bone Tissue Stresses.
RM Pilliar, G Sagals, SA Meguid, R Oyonarte, DA Deporter
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 21 (6), 2006
Use of automated artificial intelligence to predict the need for orthodontic extractions
A Del Real, O Del Real, S Sardina, R Oyonarte
Korean Journal of Orthodontics 52 (2), 102-111, 2022
Rendimiento de la evaluación cefalométrica para el diagnóstico sagital intermaxilar. Revisión narrativa
MVC Arenas, MH Peralta, RO Weldt
Revista clínica de periodoncia, implantología y rehabilitación oral 6 (2 …, 2013
Efectos de la retrusión incisiva sobre el labio superior en mujeres clase II tratadas con extracciones
V Rojas, R Arancibia, O Real, R Oyonarte
Revista Chilena de ortodoncia 26 (2), 70-78, 2009
Morphological effects of mesenchymal stem cells and pulsed ultrasound on condylar growth in rats: a pilot study
R Oyonarte, D Becerra, J Díaz-Zúñiga, V Rojas, F Carrion
Australasian Orthodontic Journal 29 (1), 3-12, 2013
Características cefalométricas en jóvenes con oclusión normal y perfil armónico en población chilena
J Montt Rodriguez, MP Miquel Valdés, R Oyonarte Weldt
International Journal of Morphology 33 (1), 237-244, 2015
Asociaciones entre signos clínicos de bruxismo, ansiedad y actividad electromiográfica maseterina utilizando el aparato bite strip® en adolescentes de último año de enseñanza …
D Vicuña, ME Id, R Oyonarte
International journal of odontostomatology 4 (3), 245-253, 2010
Maduración de la Sutura Palatina Media En Adolescentes y Adultos Jóvenes Chilenos: Estudio Transversal.
T Villarroel, MJ Alvarado, G Concha, D Vicuña, R Oyonarte
International journal of interdisciplinary dentistry 14 (2), 140-143, 2021
Diagnostic assessment of tooth maturation of the mandibular second molars as a skeletal maturation indicator: A retrospective longitudinal study
R Oyonarte, F Sánchez-Ugarte, J Montt, A Cisternas, R Morales-Huber, ...
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 158 (3), 383-390, 2020
Evolution of ANB and SN-GoGn angles during craniofacial growth: A retrospective longitudinal study
R Oyonarte, M Castro
APOS Trends in Orthodontics 6 (6), 295-295, 2016
Sistema de braquetes autoligáveis: a grande tendência na ortodontia moderna
DB Raveli, DR Goes, LPS Dib, R Oyonarte
Rev. clín. ortodon. Dental Press, 68-76, 2008
Análisis comparativo in vitro de la resistencia adhesiva al cizallamiento de brackets metálicos adheridos a superficies dentarias tratadas con diferentes agentes blanqueadores.
V Rojas, MI Gómez, C Sampaio, M Sáez, R Oyonarte
International journal of interdisciplinary dentistry 14 (1), 17-21, 2021
Diagnostic assessment of skeletal maturity through dental maturation in Hispanic growing individuals
A Cisternas, R Morales, V Ramirez, AD Real, R Oyonarte
APOS Trends Orthod 7 (1), 35, 2017
Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño y el Rol del Ortodoncista. Revisión bibliográfica.
MJ Alvarado, R Oyonarte
International journal of interdisciplinary dentistry 14 (3), 242-245, 2021
Comparison of the primary stability of orthodontic miniscrews after repeated insertion cycles: An in vitro study
F Nenen, N Garnica, V Rojas, R Oyonarte
The Angle Orthodontist 91 (3), 336-342, 2021
Cephalometric characteristics in young individuals with normal occlusion and harmonic profiles in Chilean population
J Montt Rodriguez, MP Miquel Valdes, R Oyonarte Weldt
International Journal of Morphology 33 (1), 237-244, 2015
Midpalatal suture maturation in 15-to 35-year-olds: morphological assessment in the coronal plane using CBCT—an exploratory study
T Villarroel, S Yagnam, D Vicuña, G Concha, R Oyonarte
Odontology 112 (2), 647-656, 2024
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