Prof. Patrick James
Prof. Patrick James
Faculty of Engineering & Environment, University of Southampton
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Climate change future proofing of buildings—Generation and assessment of building simulation weather files
MF Jentsch, ABS Bahaj, PAB James
Energy and Buildings 40 (12), 2148-2168, 2008
Transforming existing weather data for worldwide locations to enable energy and building performance simulation under future climates
MF Jentsch, PAB James, L Bourikas, ABS Bahaj
Renewable energy 55, 514-524, 2013
Naturally ventilated classrooms: An assessment of existing comfort models for predicting the thermal sensation and preference of primary school children
D Teli, MF Jentsch, PAB James
Energy and buildings 53, 166-182, 2012
Urban energy generation: Influence of micro-wind turbine output on electricity consumption in buildings
AS Bahaj, L Myers, PAB James
Energy and buildings 39 (2), 154-165, 2007
Urban energy generation: The added value of photovoltaics in social housing
AS Bahaj, PAB James
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (9), 2121-2136, 2007
Potential of emerging glazing technologies for highly glazed buildings in hot arid climates
ABS Bahaj, PAB James, MF Jentsch
Energy and buildings 40 (5), 720-731, 2008
Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated primary school classrooms
D Teli, PAB James, MF Jentsch
Building Research & Information 41 (3), 301-316, 2013
Electricity consumption and household characteristics: Implications for census-taking in a smart metered future
B Anderson, S Lin, A Newing, AB Bahaj, P James
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 63, 58-67, 2017
Infrastructural challenges to better health in maternity facilities in rural Kenya: community and healthworker perceptions
H Essendi, FA Johnson, N Madise, Z Matthews, J Falkingham, AS Bahaj, ...
Reproductive health 12, 1-11, 2015
Unlocking the Power House: Policy and system change for domestic micro-generation in the UK
J Watson, R Sauter, AS Bahaj, PAB James, LE Myers, R Wing
Social Policy Research Unit, 2006
Domestic micro-generation: Economic, regulatory and policy issues for the UK
J Watson, R Sauter, B Bahaj, P James, L Myers, R Wing
Energy Policy 36 (8), 3095-3106, 2008
The role of a building's thermal properties on pupils' thermal comfort in junior school classrooms as determined in field studies
D Teli, MF Jentsch, PAB James
Building and Environment 82, 640-654, 2014
Adsorption of radioactive metals by strongly magnetic iron sulfide nanoparticles produced by sulfate-reducing bacteria
JHP Watson, IW Croudace, PE Warwick, PAB James, JM Charnock, ...
Separation Science and Technology 36 (12), 2571-2607, 2001
Continuous radionuclide recovery from wastewater using magnetotactic bacteria
AS Bahaj, IW Croudace, PAB James, FD Moeschler, PE Warwick
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 184 (2), 241-244, 1998
Promoting low carbon behaviours through personalised information? Long-term evaluation of a carbon calculator interview
M Büchs, ABS Bahaj, L Blunden, L Bourikas, J Falkingham, P James, ...
Energy policy 120, 284-293, 2018
Evaluation of domestic energy performance certificates in use
C Watts, MF Jentsch, PAB James
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 32 (4), 361-376, 2011
Implications of the UK field trial of building mounted horizontal axis micro-wind turbines
PAB James, MF Sissons, J Bradford, LE Myers, AS Bahaj, A Anwar, ...
Energy Policy 38 (10), 6130-6144, 2010
Solar tile assembly
PER Mucci, AS Bahaj, PAB James, JR Ballard
US Patent 6,856,496, 2005
Thermal performance evaluation of school buildings using a children-based adaptive comfort model
D Teli, L Bourikas, PAB James, AS Bahaj
Procedia environmental sciences 38, 844-851, 2017
Assessing socially acceptable locations for onshore wind energy using a GIS-MCDA approach
M Harper, B Anderson, P James, AB Bahaj
International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 14 (2), 160-169, 2019
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