Sergio Ruffo Roberto
Sergio Ruffo Roberto
在 uel.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Coffee Leaf Scorch Bacterium: Axenic Culture, Pathogenicity, and Comparison with Xylella fastidiosa of Citrus
JEO De Lima, VS Miranda, JS Hartung, RH Brlansky, A Coutinho, ...
Plant disease 82 (1), 94-97, 1998
Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa by the sharpshooters Dilobopterus costalimai, Acrogonia terminalis and Oncometopia facialis in citrus
SR Roberto, A Coutinho, JEO De Lima, VS Miranda, EF Carlos
Fitopatologia Brasileira (Brazil) 21 (4), 1996
Applications of salt solutions before and after harvest affect the quality and incidence of postharvest gray mold of ‘Italia’table grapes
K Youssef, SR Roberto
Postharvest Biology and Technology 87, 95-102, 2014
Synergistic effect of a novel chitosan/silica nanocomposites-based formulation against gray mold of table grapes and its possible mode of action
K Youssef, AG de Oliveira, CA Tischer, I Hussain, SR Roberto
International journal of biological macromolecules 141, 247-258, 2019
Nanomaterials as alternative control means against postharvest diseases in fruit crops
S Ruffo Roberto, K Youssef, AF Hashim, A Ippolito
Nanomaterials 9 (12), 1752, 2019
Exogenous Abscisic Acid Promotes Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and Increased Expression of Flavonoid Synthesis Genes in Vitis vinifera × Vitis labrusca Table …
R Koyama, SR Roberto, RT De Souza, WFS Borges, M Anderson, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 323, 2018
Application timing and concentration of abscisic acid improve color of ‘Benitaka’table grape
SR Roberto, AM de Assis, LY Yamamoto, LCV Miotto, AJ Sato, R Koyama, ...
Scientia horticulturae 142, 44-48, 2012
Application of abscisic acid (S-ABA) to cv. Isabel grapes (Vitis vinifera× Vitis labrusca) for color improvement: Effects on color, phenolic composition and antioxidant …
LY Yamamoto, AM de Assis, SR Roberto, YR Bovolenta, SL Nixdorf, ...
Food Research International 77, 572-583, 2015
Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in pre-harvest camu-camu [Myrciaria dubia (HBK) Mc Vaugh] fruits
LC Neves, VX da Silva, JA Pontis, A Flach, SR Roberto
Scientia Horticulturae 186, 223-229, 2015
Exogenous abscisic acid increases the anthocyanin concentration of berry and juice from ‘Isabel’grapes (Vitis labrusca L.)
R Koyama, AM de Assis, LY Yamamoto, WF Borges, R de Sá Borges, ...
HortScience 49 (4), 460-464, 2014
Produção de mudas de goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.) em diferentes substratos
C Zietemann, SR Roberto
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 29, 137-142, 2007
Control of Botrytis mold of the new seedless grape ‘BRS Vitoria’during cold storage
K Youssef, SR Roberto, F Chiarotti, R Koyama, I Hussain, RT de Souza
Scientia Horticulturae 193, 316-321, 2015
Enraizamento de estacas de azaleia (Rhododendron simsii Planch.) no outono em AIB e diferentes substratos
AB Lone, LK Unemoto, LY Yamamoto, L Costa, JA Schnitzer, AJ Sato, ...
Ciência Rural 40, 1720-1725, 2010
Efeito de diferentes substratos e épocas de coleta no enraizamento de estacas herbáceas de goiabeira, cvs. Paluma e Século XXI
C Zietemann, SR Roberto
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 29, 31-36, 2007
Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of buriti fruits, during the postharvest, harvested at different ripening stages
JT Milanez, LC Neves, RC Colombo, M Shahab, SR Roberto
Scientia Horticulturae 227, 10-21, 2018
Salt strategies to control Botrytis mold of ‘Benitaka’table grapes and to maintain fruit quality during storage
K Youssef, SR Roberto
Postharvest Biology and Technology 95, 95-102, 2014
AIB e substratos no enraizamento de estacas de pessegueiro ‘Okinawa’coletadas no outono
C Cardoso, LY Yamamoto, EA Preti, AM de Assis, CSVJ Neves, ...
Semina: Ciências Agrárias 32 (4), 1307-1314, 2011
Geostatistical characterization of the spatial distribution of Xylella fastidiosa sharpshooter vectors on citrus
PRS Farias, SR Roberto, JRS Lopes, D Perecin
Neotropical Entomology 33, 13-20, 2004
Viticultura tropical: o sistema de produção do Paraná
AY Kishino
Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, 2007
Relationship between anthocyanins and skin color of table grapes treated with abscisic acid at different stages of berry ripening
M Shahab, SR Roberto, S Ahmed, RC Colombo, JP Silvestre, R Koyama, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 259, 108859, 2020
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