Jacquelyn Brady
Jacquelyn Brady
在 sjsu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Can supervisor support improve daily employee well‐being? Evidence of supervisor training effectiveness in a study of veteran employee emotions
CD Mohr, LB Hammer, JM Brady, MKL Perry, T Bodner
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 94 (2), 400-426, 2021
Effects of a Total Worker Health® leadership intervention on employee well-being and functional impairment.
LB Hammer, JM Brady, RM Brossoit, CD Mohr, TE Bodner, TL Crain, ...
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 26 (6), 582, 2021
Training supervisors to support veterans at work: Effects on supervisor attitudes and employee sleep and stress
LB Hammer, JM Brady, MKL Perry
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 93 (2), 273-301, 2020
Supportive supervisor training improves family relationships among employee and spouse dyads.
JM Brady, LB Hammer, CD Mohr, TE Bodner
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 26 (1), 31, 2021
The interactive effects of coworker and supervisor support on prenatal stress and postpartum health: A time-lagged investigation
KP Jones, JM Brady, AP Lindsey, LM Cortina, CK Major
Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-22, 2022
Health decision making and behavior: The role of affect‐laden constructs
RE Magnan, BR Shorey Fennell, JM Brady
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 11 (8), e12333, 2017
Computer-delivered social norm message increases pain tolerance
K Pulvers, J Schroeder, EF Limas, SH Zhu
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 47 (3), 316-324, 2014
Military sexual trauma among women Veterans: The buffering effect of coworker support
NA Smith, JM Brady, LB Hammer, KF Carlson, CD Mohr
Military Psychology 32 (6), 441-449, 2020
The Evolution of Worker Well-Being and Work-Life Issues
LB Hammer, JM Brady
Historical perspectives in industrial and organizational psychology, 270-291, 2020
Pregnancy loss: A qualitative exploration of an experience stigmatized in the workplace
SL Gilbert, JK Dimoff, JM Brady, R Macleod, T McPhee
Journal of Vocational Behavior 142, 103848, 2023
Beyond Just Resilience: The Important Role of Work-Family Resources for Military Service Members
JR Wong, TL Crain, RM Brossoit, LB Hammer, TE Bodner, JM Brady
Occupational Health Science 6 (3), 425-450, 2022
Modern moms: Dissecting the experiences of older pregnant employees
DF Arena, JM Brady, KP Jones
Violence and abuse in and around organisations, 171-190, 2018
Work–Life Interface
J Brady, L Hammer
Routledge, 2022
Interpersonal Perspectives on Work-Nonwork Dynamics: Theoretical & Empirical Explorations
J Brady, EE Kossek, CR Masterson, L Mechem Rosokha
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 17149, 2020
Family Linked Workplace Resources and Contextual Factors as Important Predictors of Job and Individual Well-being for Employees and Families
JM Brady
Portland State University, 2019
Maternal Mental Health: Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders and the Workplace
J Dimoff, J Brady, S Gilbert, R MacLeod
The Routledge Companion to Mental Health at Work, 153-181, 2023
Abortion is a workplace issue: How managers can support employee access to reproductive health care
J Dimoff, J Brady, M Ortynsky, S Gilbert
5 Ways Managers Can Support Pregnant Employees
KJ Hackney, SR Daniels, S Paustian-Underdahl, KP Jones, JM Brady
Pregnancy loss: Workplaces must recognize its physical and emotional toll
S Gilbert, J Brady, J Dimoff
Supporting Caregivers at the SIOP Conference
VA Gaskins, DV Egdom, K Davison, V Mishra, S Chau, R Thompson, ...
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