Paul Fontayne
Paul Fontayne
Professeur, Université Paris Nanterre
在 parisnanterre.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
The influence of sex stereotypes and gender roles on participation and performance in sport and exercise: Review and future directions
A Chalabaev, P Sarrazin, P Fontayne, J Boiché, C Clément-Guillotin
Psychology of sport and exercise 14 (2), 136-144, 2013
Relationships between cohesion, collective efficacy and performance in professional basketball teams: An examination of mediating effects
JP Heuzé, N Raimbault, P Fontayne
Journal of sports sciences 24 (1), 59-68, 2006
Understanding female sport attrition in a stereotypical male sport within the framework of Eccles's Expectancy–Value model
E Guillet, P Sarrazin, P Fontayne, RJ Brustad
Psychology of Women Quarterly 30 (4), 358-368, 2006
The Bem Sex-Role inventory: Validation of a short version for French teenagers
P Fontayne, P Sarrazin, JP Famose
European Review of Applied Psychology/Revue Européenne de Psychologie …, 2000
Questionnaire sur l’Ambiance du Groupe: A French-language instrument for measuring group cohesion
JP Heuzé, P Fontayne
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 24 (1), 42-67, 2002
Les pratiques sportives des adolescents: une différenciation selon le genre
P Fontayne, P Sarrazin, JP Famose
Staps 55 (2), 23-37, 2001
A study of a successful experienced elite handball coach's cognitive processes in competition situations
T Debanne, P Fontayne
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 4 (1), 1-16, 2009
Stereotype endorsement and perceived ability as mediators of the girls' gender orientation–soccer performance relationship
A Chalabaev, P Sarrazin, P Fontayne
Psychology of sport and exercise 10 (2), 297-299, 2009
" If it contradicts my gender role, I'll stop": Introducing survival analysis to study the effects of gender typing on the time of withdrawal from sport practice: A 3-year study.
E Guillet, P Sarrazin, P Fontayne
European Review of Applied Psychology/Revue européenne de psychologie …, 2000
Situational malleability of gender schema: The case of the competitive sport context
C Clément-Guillotin, P Fontayne
Sex Roles 64 (5), 426-439, 2011
Is sport still a masculine domain
C Clément-Guillotin, A Chalabaev, P Fontayne
International Journal of Sport Psychology 43, 67-78, 2011
Effects of match result and social comparison on sport state self-esteem fluctuations
MH Bardel, P Fontayne, F Colombel, L Schiphof
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 11 (3), 171-176, 2010
Athletes’ perceptions of role ambiguity and coaching competency in sport teams: A multilevel analysis
G Bosselut, JP Heuzé, MA Eys, P Fontayne, P Sarrazin
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 34 (3), 345-364, 2012
Effet du genre sur le choix et le rejet des activités physiques et sportives en Éducation Physique et Sportive: une approche additive et différentielle du modèle de l’androgynie.
P Fontayne*, P Sarrazin**, JP Famose*
Science et motricité, 45-66, 2002
Self-handicapping in rock climbing: A qualitative approach
C Ferrand, S Tetard, P Fontayne
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 18 (3), 271-280, 2006
Validation française de la version révisée de l’échelle de mesure des attributions causales (CDSII)
P Fontayne, C Martin-Krumm, F Buton, JP Heuzé
Les cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale 58, 59-72, 2003
Decision-making during games by professional handball coaches using regulatory focus theory
T Debanne, V Angel, P Fontayne
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 26 (1), 111-124, 2014
Social value and asymmetry of gender and sex categories in physical education
C Clément-Guillotin, L Cambon, A Chalabaev, R Radel, S Michel, ...
European review of applied psychology 63 (2), 75-85, 2013
Culture and achievement motivation in sport: A qualitative comparative study between Maghrebian and European French adolescents
P Fontayne, P Sarrazin, J Famose
European Journal of Sport Science 1 (4), 1-11, 2001
Influences of classmates' ability level on physical self-evaluations
N Margas, P Fontayne, PC Brunel
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 7 (2), 235-247, 2006
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