Benxi Liu
Benxi Liu
在 dlut.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Optimal power peak shaving using hydropower to complement wind and solar power uncertainty
B Liu, JR Lund, S Liao, X Jin, L Liu, C Cheng
Energy Conversion and Management 209, 112628, 2020
China׳ s small hydropower and its dispatching management
C Cheng, B Liu, KW Chau, G Li, S Liao
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42, 43-55, 2015
Hydropower curtailment in Yunnan Province, southwestern China: Constraint analysis and suggestions
B Liu, S Liao, C Cheng, F Chen, W Li
Renewable Energy 121, 700-711, 2018
Parallel chance-constrained dynamic programming for cascade hydropower system operation
B Liu, C Cheng, S Wang, S Liao, KW Chau, X Wu, W Li
Energy 165, 752-767, 2018
Multistep-ahead daily inflow forecasting using the ERA-Interim reanalysis data set based on gradient-boosting regression trees
S Liao, Z Liu, B Liu, C Cheng, X Jin, Z Zhao
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (5), 2343-2363, 2020
Long-term generation scheduling of hydropower system using multi-core parallelization of particle swarm optimization
S Liao, B Liu, C Cheng, Z Li, X Wu
Water Resources Management 31, 2791-2807, 2017
Impacts of different wind and solar power penetrations on cascade hydroplants operation
X Jin, B Liu, S Liao, C Cheng, G Li, L Liu
Renewable Energy 182, 227-244, 2022
Daily peak shaving operation of cascade hydropower stations with sensitive hydraulic connections considering water delay time
S Liao, Z Liu, B Liu, C Cheng, X Wu, Z Zhao
Renewable Energy 169, 970-981, 2021
An information gap decision theory-based decision-making model for complementary operation of hydro-wind-solar system considering wind and solar output uncertainties
S Liao, H Liu, B Liu, H Zhao, M Wang
Journal of Cleaner Production 348, 131382, 2022
A Wasserstein metric-based distributionally robust optimization approach for reliable-economic equilibrium operation of hydro-wind-solar energy systems
X Jin, B Liu, S Liao, C Cheng, Z Yan
Renewable Energy 196, 204-219, 2022
Peak shaving model for coordinated hydro-wind-solar system serving local and multiple receiving power grids via HVDC transmission lines
B Liu, JR Lund, S Liao, X Jin, L Liu, C Cheng
IEEE Access 8, 60689-60703, 2020
Climate change impacts on hydropower in Yunnan, China
B Liu, JR Lund, L Liu, S Liao, G Li, C Cheng
Water 12 (1), 197, 2020
Wasserstein metric-based two-stage distributionally robust optimization model for optimal daily peak shaving dispatch of cascade hydroplants under renewable energy uncertainties
X Jin, B Liu, S Liao, C Cheng, Y Zhang, Z Zhao, J Lu
Energy 260, 125107, 2022
Medium-term peak shaving operation of cascade hydropower plants considering water delay time
S Liao, H Liu, Z Liu, B Liu, G Li, S Li
Renewable Energy 179, 406-417, 2021
Simulation and regulation of market operation in hydro-dominated environment: The Yunnan case
F Chen, B Liu, C Cheng, A Mirchi
Water 9 (8), 623, 2017
Short-term peak-shaving operation of head-sensitive cascaded hydropower plants based on spillage adjustment
S Liao, Y Zhang, B Liu, Z Liu, Z Fang, S Li
Water 12 (12), 3438, 2020
Multicore parallel dynamic programming algorithm for short-term hydro-unit load dispatching of huge hydropower stations serving multiple power grids
S Liao, J Liu, B Liu, C Cheng, L Zhou, H Wu
Water Resources Management 34, 359-376, 2020
An overview of large-scale small hydropower in yunnan power grid: situations, challenges, and measures
L Gang, L Benxi, L Shanzong, C Chuntian, L Xiufeng
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future …, 2013
Short-Term Wind Power Prediction Based on LightGBM and Meteorological Reanalysis
S Liao, X Tian, B Liu, T Liu, H Su, B Zhou
Energies 15 (17), 6287, 2022
Short-term hydro scheduling considering multiple units sharing a common tunnel and crossing vibration zones constraints
S Liao, Z Liu, B Liu, X Wu, C Cheng, H Su
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 147 (10), 04021063, 2021
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