A mite species that consists entirely of haploid females AR Weeks, F Marec, JAJ Breeuwer Science 292 (5526), 2479-2482, 2001 | 356 | 2001 |
TTAGG telomeric repeats in chromosomes of some insects and other arthropods K Sahara, F Marec, W Traut Chromosome research 7, 449-460, 1999 | 328 | 1999 |
Genomic evidence for divergence with gene flow in host races of the larch budmoth I Emelianov, F Marec, J Mallet Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004 | 237 | 2004 |
The evolutionary origin of insect telomeric repeats, (TTAGG) N M Vítková, J Král, W Traut, J Zrzavý, F Marec Chromosome research 13, 145-156, 2005 | 183 | 2005 |
Phylogenetic distribution of TTAGG telomeric repeats in insects R Frydrychová, P Grossmann, P Trubac, M Vítková, F Marec Genome 47 (1), 163-178, 2004 | 183 | 2004 |
Industrial melanism in British peppered moths has a singular and recent mutational origin AE van’t Hof, N Edmonds, M Dalíková, F Marec, IJ Saccheri Science 332 (6032), 958-960, 2011 | 178 | 2011 |
Sex chromatin in Lepidoptera W Traut, F Marec The Quarterly Review of Biology 71 (2), 239-256, 1996 | 165 | 1996 |
Evolutionary dynamics of rDNA clusters on chromosomes of moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera) P Nguyen, K Sahara, A Yoshido, F Marec Genetica 138, 343-354, 2010 | 160 | 2010 |
Codling moth cytogenetics: karyotype, chromosomal location of rDNA, and molecular differentiation of sex chromosomes I Fuková, P Nguyen, F Marec Genome 48 (6), 1083-1092, 2005 | 153 | 2005 |
Molecular differentiation of sex chromosomes probed by comparative genomic hybridization W Traut, K Sahara, TD Otto, F Marec Chromosoma 108 (3), 173-180, 1999 | 152 | 1999 |
Neo-sex chromosomes and adaptive potential in tortricid pests P Nguyen, M Sýkorová, J Šíchová, V Kůta, M Dalíková, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (17), 6931-6936, 2013 | 150 | 2013 |
A chromosome-level genome assembly of Cydia pomonella provides insights into chemical ecology and insecticide resistance F Wan, C Yin, R Tang, M Chen, Q Wu, C Huang, W Qian, O Rota-Stabelli, ... Nature Communications 10 (1), 4237, 2019 | 132 | 2019 |
Maleness-on-the-Y (MoY) orchestrates male sex determination in major agricultural fruit fly pests A Meccariello, M Salvemini, P Primo, B Hall, P Koskinioti, M Dalíková, ... Science 365 (6460), 1457-1460, 2019 | 120 | 2019 |
The telomere repeat motif of basal Metazoa W Traut, M Szczepanowski, M Vítková, C Opitz, F Marec, J Zrzavý Chromosome research 15, 371-382, 2007 | 119 | 2007 |
Towards mosquito sterile insect technique programmes: exploring genetic, molecular, mechanical and behavioural methods of sex separation in mosquitoes JRL Gilles, MF Schetelig, F Scolari, F Marec, ML Capurro, G Franz, ... Acta tropica 132, S178-S187, 2014 | 117 | 2014 |
Probing the W chromosome of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella, with sequences from microdissected sex chromatin I Fuková, W Traut, M Vítková, P Nguyen, S Kubíčková, F Marec Chromosoma 116, 135-145, 2007 | 111 | 2007 |
Linkage map of the peppered moth, Biston betularia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): a model of industrial melanism AE Van't Hof, P Nguyen, M Dalíková, N Edmonds, F Marec, IJ Saccheri Heredity 110 (3), 283-295, 2013 | 109 | 2013 |
Repeated losses of TTAGG telomere repeats in evolution of beetles (Coleoptera) R Frydrychová, F Marec Genetica 115, 179-187, 2002 | 101 | 2002 |
Sex chromosome differentiation in some species of Lepidoptera (Insecta) W Traut, F Marec Chromosome Research 5, 283-291, 1997 | 94 | 1997 |
Karyotype, sex chromatin and sex chromosome differentiation in the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) J Mediouni, I Fuková, R Frydrychová, MH Dhouibi, F Marec Caryologia 57 (2), 184-194, 2004 | 93 | 2004 |