Dongya Sun
Dongya Sun
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Princeton University
在 princeton.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Sustainable off-grid desalination of hypersaline waters using Janus wood evaporators
X Chen, S He, MM Falinski, Y Wang, T Li, S Zheng, D Sun, J Dai, Y Bian, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (10), 5347-5357, 2021
Microbial electrochemical nutrient recovery in anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactors
D Hou, L Lu, D Sun, Z Ge, X Huang, TY Cath, ZJ Ren
Water Research 114, 181-188, 2017
Novel self-driven microbial nutrient recovery cell with simultaneous wastewater purification
X Chen, D Sun, X Zhang, P Liang, X Huang
Scientific reports 5 (1), 15744, 2015
Self-sustaining advanced wastewater purification and simultaneous in situ nutrient recovery in a novel bioelectrochemical system
X Chen, H Zhou, K Zuo, Y Zhou, Q Wang, D Sun, Y Gao, P Liang, X Zhang, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 330, 692-697, 2017
The microbial electrochemical current accelerates urea hydrolysis for recovery of nutrients from source-separated urine
X Chen, Y Gao, D Hou, H Ma, L Lu, D Sun, X Zhang, P Liang, X Huang, ...
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 4 (7), 305-310, 2017
Energy-neutral sustainable nutrient recovery incorporated with the wastewater purification process in an enlarged microbial nutrient recovery cell
D Sun, Y Gao, D Hou, K Zuo, X Chen, P Liang, X Zhang, ZJ Ren, X Huang
Journal of Power Sources 384, 160-164, 2018
Urine-powered synergy of nutrient recovery and urine purification in a microbial electrochemical system
Y Gao, D Sun, H Wang, L Lu, H Ma, L Wang, ZJ Ren, P Liang, X Zhang, ...
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 4 (10), 1427-1438, 2018
Carbon filtration cathode in microbial fuel cell to enhance wastewater treatment
K Zuo, S Liang, P Liang, X Zhou, D Sun, X Zhang, X Huang
Bioresource technology 185, 426-430, 2015
Cathode Material Development in the Past Decade for H2 Production from Microbial Electrolysis Cells
J Tang, Y Bian, S Jin, D Sun, ZJ Ren
ACS Environmental Au 2 (1), 20-29, 2021
Scale-up and techno-economic analysis of microbial electrolysis cells for hydrogen production from wastewater
J Jiang, JA Lopez-Ruiz, Y Bian, D Sun, Y Yan, X Chen, J Zhu, HD May, ...
Water Research 241, 120139, 2023
Electricity enhances biological Fe (III) reduction and phosphorus recovery from FeP complex: proof of concept and kinetic analysis
D Sun, Y Bian, P Liu, H Wang, T Xu, X Zhang, P Liang, ZJ Ren, X Chen, ...
ACS ES&T Engineering 1 (3), 523-532, 2021
Sustainable Zero Liquid Discharge of Concentrated Brine by Janus Wood Evaporator
X Chen, S He, M Falinski, Y Wang, T Li, S Zheng, D Sun, J Dai, Y Bian, ...
Water Research & Technology
Y Gao, D Sun, H Wang, L Lu, H Ma, L Wang, ZJ Ren, P Liang, X Zhang, ...
文章 1–13