Michel Esteves
Michel Esteves
Senior researcher, French National Research institute for Sustainable Development
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Overland flow and infiltration modelling for small plots during unsteady rain: numerical results versus observed values
M Esteves, X Faucher, S Galle, M Vauclin
Journal of hydrology 228 (3-4), 265-282, 2000
Influence of soil surface features and vegetation on runoff and erosion in the Western Sierra Madre (Durango, Northwest Mexico)
L Descroix, D Viramontes, M Vauclin, JLG Barrios, M Esteves
Catena 43 (2), 115-135, 2001
OZCAR: The French network of critical zone observatories
J Gaillardet, I Braud, F Hankard, S Anquetin, O Bour, N Dorfliger, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-24, 2018
Runoff generation processes: results and analysis of field data collected at the East Central Supersite of the HAPEX-Sahel experiment
C Peugeot, M Esteves, S Galle, JL Rajot, JP Vandervaere
Journal of Hydrology 188, 179-202, 1997
Runoff and erosion in the Black Marls of the French Alps: observations and measurements at the plot scale
N Mathys, S Klotz, M Esteves, L Descroix, JM Lapetite
Catena 63 (2-3), 261-281, 2005
Global uncertainty analysis of suspended sediment monitoring using turbidimeter in a small mountainous river catchment
O Navratil, M Esteves, C Legout, N Gratiot, J Nemery, S Willmore, ...
Journal of Hydrology 398 (3-4), 246-259, 2011
Combining suspended sediment monitoring and fingerprinting to determine the spatial origin of fine sediment in a mountainous river catchment
O Evrard, O Navratil, S Ayrault, M Ahmadi, J Némery, C Legout, I Lefèvre, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36 (8), 1072-1089, 2011
Drivers of erosion and suspended sediment transport in three headwater catchments of the Mexican Central Highlands
C Duvert, N Gratiot, O Evrard, O Navratil, J Némery, C Prat, M Esteves
Geomorphology 123 (3-4), 243-256, 2010
Gully and sheet erosion on subtropical mountain slopes: Their respective roles and the scale effect
L Descroix, JLG Barrios, D Viramontes, J Poulenard, E Anaya, M Esteves, ...
Catena 72 (3), 325-339, 2008
The EMIRE large rainfall simulator: design and field testing
M Esteves, O Planchon, JM Lapetite, N Silveira, P Cadet
Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 25, 681-690, 2000
Temporal variability of suspended sediment sources in an alpine catchment combining river/rainfall monitoring and sediment fingerprinting
O Navratil, O Evrard, M Esteves, C Legout, S Ayrault, J Némery, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37 (8), 828-846, 2012
Temporal variability of suspended sediment sources in an alpine catchment combining river/rainfall monitoring and sediment fingerprinting
O Navratil, O Evrard, M Esteves, C Legout, S Ayrault, J Némery, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37 (8), 828-846, 2012
A multi-scale approach of runoff generation in a Sahelian gully catchment: a case study in Niger
M Esteves, JM Lapetite
Catena 50 (2-4), 255-271, 2003
Tracing sediment sources in a tropical highland catchment of central Mexico by using conventional and alternative fingerprinting methods
O Evrard, J Poulenard, J Nemery, S Ayrault, N Gratiot, C Duvert, C Prat, ...
Hydrological Processes 27 (6), 911-922, 2013
Measurement and modelling of high-resolution flow-velocity data under simulated rainfall on a low-slope sandy soil
L Tatard, O Planchon, J Wainwright, G Nord, D Favis-Mortlock, N Silvera, ...
Journal of Hydrology 348 (1-2), 1-12, 2008
Sediment dynamics during the rainy season in tropical highland catchments of central Mexico using fallout radionuclides
O Evrard, J Némery, N Gratiot, C Duvert, S Ayrault, I Lefèvre, J Poulenard, ...
Geomorphology 124 (1-2), 42-54, 2010
PSEM_2D: A physically based model of erosion processes at the plot scale
G Nord, M Esteves
Water resources research 41 (8), 2005
Effect of rainfall and tillage direction on the evolution of surface crusts, soil hydraulic properties and runoff generation for a sandy loam soil
B Ndiaye, M Esteves, JP Vandervaere, JM Lapetite, M Vauclin
Journal of Hydrology 307 (1-4), 294-311, 2005
Microrelief induced by tillage: measurement and modelling of surface storage capacity
O Planchon, M Esteves, N Silvera, JM Lapetite
Catena 46 (2-3), 141-157, 2002
Tracing sediment sources during floods using Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometry (DRIFTS): a case study in a highly erosive mountainous catchment …
J Poulenard, C Legout, J Nemery, J Bramorski, O Navratil, A Douchin, ...
Journal of hydrology 414, 452-462, 2012
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