Evi Frimawaty
Evi Frimawaty
在 ui.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Sustainability of rice farming based on eco-farming to face food security and climate change: Case study in Jambi Province, Indonesia
E Frimawaty, A Basukriadi, JA Syamsu, TEB Soesilo
Procedia Environmental Sciences 17, 53-59, 2013
Milk yield and lactose synthetase activity in the mammary glands of superovulated ewes.
EFW Manalu
Small Ruminant Research, 33 (3), 271-278, 1999
Diversity, biomass, covers, and NDVI of restored mangrove forests in Karawang and Subang Coasts, West Java, Indonesia
A Suwanto, ND Takarina, RH Koestoer, E Frimawaty
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (9), 2021
Strengthening stakeholder partnership in plastics waste management based on circular economy paradigm
A Prabawati, E Frimawaty, JT Haryanto
Sustainability 15 (5), 4278, 2023
Potential environmental impact of biodiesel production from palm oil using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) in Indonesia
A Paminto, M Karuniasa, E Frimawaty
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural …, 2022
Palm oil plantation waste handling by smallholder and the correlation with the land fire
HHE Frimawaty
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management (GJESM) 7 (1), 89-102, 2021
Living room ventilation and urban environmental health case in DKI Jakarta
E Frimawaty, MM Kamiluddin
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 3 (1), 195-209, 2020
Environmental Awareness Based on Community Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior of The Environmental Impact of Plastic Packaging Use in Urban Areas
H Herdiansyah, SM Sholihah, E Frimawaty
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1111 (1), 012030, 2022
Mapping data on Indonesia’s worst forest and land fires of palm oil cultivation lands
E Frimawaty
E3S Web of Conferences 211, 05002, 2020
Climate change mitigation and adaptation through livestock waste management
E Frimawaty, A Ilmika, NA Sakina, J Mustabi
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 9 (4), 691-706, 2023
Analyzing Urban Communities Level of Environmental Awareness for a Future Sustainable Use of Plastic Packaging.
NMR Ridwan, E Frimawaty, H Herdiansyah
International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning 18 (2), 2023
Komparasi Kebijakan Pengembangan Bahan Bakar Nabati di Indonesia dan Kolombia: Dilema Antara Pasar, Kapasitas Produksi dan Daya Serap
A Paminto, R Koestoer, M Karuniasa, E Frimawaty
Matra Pembaruan: Jurnal Inovasi Kebijakan 6 (1), 43-55, 2022
Pengamatan kondisi fisik lahan gambut untuk memperkuat mitigasi bencana kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Provinsi Riau
MBR Prayoga, M Karuniasa, E Frimawaty
EnviroScienteae 18 (2), 12-22, 2022
Spatiotemporal analysis of oil palm land clearing
MK Rosyidy, E Frimawaty
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 10 (2), 821-836, 2024
Peningkatan Produktivitas Lahan Pekebun melalui Sertifikasi Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan di Indonesia
AB Rahutomo, M Karuniasa, E Frimawaty
Analisis Kebijakan Pertanian 21 (1), 43-55, 2023
A Review of the Implementation of Sustainable Plastic Waste Management
BL Gustiawati, H Herdiansyah, E Frimawaty
Pengembangan Peternakan Sapi Rakyat Melalui Penerapan Kandang Komunal Berkelanjutan Development of Community Beef Cattle Farming by Implementing Sustainable Communal Cattle Shead
LA Wardani, MF Sitepu, E Frimawaty
Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis, 310-318, 2021
Community understanding of sustainable communal cattleshed management
SM Febriman, TEB Soesilo, E Frimawaty
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1363 (1), 012098, 2019
The financial analysis for the advisability of the biogas project from cattle manure in household scale
MM Kamiluddin, E Budianto, E Frimawaty
E3S Web of Conferences 74, 03004, 2018
Mitigation Policy Scenario of Space Debris Threat Related with National Security
H Herdiansyah, E Frimawaty, A Munir
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 30 (1), 012015, 2016
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