Marco Zanon
Marco Zanon
在 gshdl.uni-kiel.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Pollen-based climate reconstruction techniques for late Quaternary studies
M Chevalier, BAS Davis, O Heiri, H Seppä, BM Chase, K Gajewski, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 210, 103384, 2020
The European modern pollen database (EMPD) project
BAS Davis, M Zanon, P Collins, A Mauri, J Bakker, D Barboni, ...
Vegetation history and archaeobotany 22 (6), 521-530, 2013
European forest cover during the past 12,000 years: a palynological reconstruction based on modern analogs and remote sensing
M Zanon, BAS Davis, L Marquer, S Brewer, JO Kaplan
Frontiers in plant science 9, 253, 2018
Lake evolution and landscape history in the lower Mincio River valley, unravelling drainage changes in the central Po Plain (N-Italy) since the Bronze Age
C Ravazzi, M Marchetti, M Zanon, R Perego, T Quirino, M Deaddis, ...
Quaternary international 288, 195-205, 2013
Mapping past human land use using archaeological data: A new classification for global land use synthesis and data harmonization
KD Morrison, E Hammer, O Boles, M Madella, N Whitehouse, MJ Gaillard, ...
PloS one 16 (4), e0246662, 2021
The Eurasian Modern Pollen Database (EMPD), version 2
BAS Davis, M Chevalier, P Sommer, VA Carter, W Finsinger, A Mauri, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2020, 1-41, 2020
Early Mesolithic activities at ancient Lake Duvensee, northern Germany
D Groß, H Lübke, U Schmölcke, M Zanon
The Holocene 29 (2), 197-208, 2019
Adaptations and transformations of hunter-gatherers in forest environments: New archaeological and anthropological insights
D Groß, H Piezonka, E Corradini, U Schmölcke, M Zanon, W Dörfler, ...
The Holocene 29 (10), 1531-1544, 2019
Highly diverse Bronze Age population dynamics in Central-Southern Europe and their response to regional climatic patterns
G Capuzzo, M Zanon, M Dal Corso, W Kirleis, JA Barceló
PloS one 13 (8), e0200709, 2018
Reconstructing the palaeoenvironment at the early Mesolithic site of Lake Duvensee: Ground-penetrating radar and geoarchaeology for 3D facies mapping
E Corradini, D Wilken, M Zanon, D Groß, H Lübke, D Panning, W Dörfler, ...
The Holocene 30 (6), 820-833, 2020
Understanding Wetlands Stratigraphy: Geophysics and Soil Parameters for Investigating Ancient Basin Development at Lake Duvensee
E Corradini, S Dreibrodt, E Erkul, D Groß, H Lübke, D Panning, N Pickartz, ...
Geosciences 10 (8), 314, 2020
L’origine del paesaggio agricolo pastorale in nord Italia: espansione di Orlaya grandiflora (L.) Hoffm. nella civiltà palafitticola
R Perego, F Badino, M Deaddis, C Ravazzi, F Vallè, M Zanon
Not. Archeol. Bergomensi 19, 161-173, 2011
Introduzione allo studio stratigrafico e paleoecologico dei laghi intramorenici del Garda
C Ravazzi, F Badino, L Castellano, D De Nisi, G Furlanetto, R Perego, ...
Le Palafitte. Ricerca, Conservazione, Valorizzazione. Collana Palafitte …, 2019
Prime analisi palinologiche
M Zanon
Contadini, allevatori e artigiani a Tosina di Monzambano tra V e IV …, 2014
Forest Ecosystems and Evolution of Cattle Husbandry Practices of the Earliest Central European Farming Societies
R Gillis, I Kendall, M Roffet-Salque, M Zanon, A Anders, RM Arbogast, ...
Tracing millet through biomarker analysis in archaeological sites in alluvial plains: The first miliacin data from the northern Italian Bronze Age
M Dal Corso, M Zanon, C Heron, M Rottoli, M Cupitò, E Dalla Longa, ...
Exploring short-term ecosystem dynamics in connection with the Early Holocene Saksunarvatn Ash fallout over continental Europe
M Zanon, I Feeser, S Dreibrodt, L Schwark, C van den Bogaard, W Dörfler
Quaternary Science Reviews 253, 106772, 2021
Palaeoenvironmental dynamics at the southern Alpine foothills between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age onset. A multi-proxy study from Bande di Cavriana (Mantua, Italy)
M Zanon, I Unkel, N Andersen, W Kirleis
Quaternary Science Reviews 221, 105891, 2019
Lake evolution since the Bronze Age in the lower Mincio river valley and the Forcello Etruscan Harbour (Central Po Plain)
C Ravazzi, M Marchetti, M Zanon, R Perego, L Castellano, M Deaddis, ...
Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 24 (Extended Abstract), 202-204, 2011
Erratum to: The European Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) project
BAS Davis, M Zanon, P Collins, A Mauri, J Bakker, D Barboni, ...
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 22 (6), 531-531, 2013
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