Shana Cohen
Bien educado: Measuring the social behaviors of Mexican American children
M Bridges, SR Cohen, LW McGuire, H Yamada, B Fuller, L Mireles, ...
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 27 (3), 555-567, 2012
Receiving or believing in family support? Contributors to the life quality of L atino and non‐L atino families of children with intellectual disability
SR Cohen, SD Holloway, I Domínguez‐Pareto, M Kuppermann
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 58 (4), 333-345, 2014
Perceived social competence and loneliness among young children with ASD: Child, parent and teacher reports
SM Zeedyk, SR Cohen, A Eisenhower, J Blacher
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 436-449, 2016
Advocacy for the “Abandonados”: Harnessing Cultural Beliefs for L atino Families and Their Children With Intellectual Disabilities
SR Cohen
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 10 (1), 71-78, 2013
In the eye of the beholder: Reports of autism symptoms by Anglo and Latino mothers
J Blacher, SR Cohen, G Azad
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (12), 1648-1656, 2014
Amor and Social Stigma: ASD Beliefs Among Immigrant Mexican Parents
SR Cohen, J Miguel
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 48, 1995-2009, 2018
Parents' educational expectations for young children with autism spectrum disorder
HH Bush, SR Cohen, AS Eisenhower, J Blacher
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities 52 (4), 357-368, 2017
Support and self-efficacy among Latino and White parents of children with ID
SR Cohen, SD Holloway, I Domínguez-Pareto, M Kuppermann
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 120 (1), 16-31, 2015
Social participation of students with autism spectrum disorder in general education settings
C Mamas, AJ Daly, SR Cohen, G Jones
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 28, 100467, 2021
Fathers of children with or without ID: Understanding long‐term psychological symptoms
SR Cohen, SM Zeedyk, LA Tipton, NV Rodas, J Blacher
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 60 (4), 295-307, 2016
“My autism is my own”: Autistic identity and intersectionality in the school context
SR Cohen, K Joseph, S Levinson, J Blacher, A Eisenhower
Autism in Adulthood 4 (4), 315-327, 2022
Attitudes toward prenatal testing and pregnancy termination among a diverse population of parents of children with intellectual disabilities
M Kuppermann, S Nakagawa, SR Cohen, I Dominguez‐Pareto, ...
Prenatal diagnosis 31 (13), 1251-1258, 2011
Perceptions of causes and common beliefs of autism spectrum disorder in the US
A Castillo, SR Cohen, J Miguel, MF Warstadt
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 70, 101472, 2020
Home activities of Mexican American children: Structuring early socialization and cognitive engagement.
M Bridges, SR Cohen, L Scott, B Fuller, R Anguiano, AM Figueroa, ...
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 21 (2), 181, 2015
Whose job is it? Everyday routines and quality of life in latino and non-latino families of children with intellectual disabilities
SD Holloway, I Domínguez-Pareto, SR Cohen, M Kuppermann
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 7 (2), 104-125, 2014
Abriendo Puertas: Opening Doors to Opportunity--A National Evaluation of Second-Generation Trainers.
M Bridges, SR Cohen, B Fuller
Institute of Human Development (NJ1), 2012
Question–response–evaluation sequences in the home interactions of a bilingual child with autism spectrum disorder
K Bottema‐Beutel, G Oliveira, SR Cohen, J Miguel
International journal of language & communication disorders 55 (2), 216-230, 2020
Social class and emotional well-being: Lessons from a daily diary study of families engaged in virtual elementary school during COVID-19
SR Cohen, A Wishard Guerra, MR Molgaard, J Miguel
AERA Open 8, 23328584221095854, 2022
Child-rearing routines among Mexican-heritage children with autism spectrum disorder
SR Cohen, J Miguel, A Wishard Guerra
Autism 24 (1), 80-94, 2020
Syndrome-specific impact on parental well-being: Autism compared
SM Zeedyk, SR Cohen, J Blacher
Comprehensive guide to autism, 223-246, 2014
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