Brian Maxwell
Brian Maxwell
在 uottawa.ca 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
The mechanism of detonation attenuation by a porous medium and its subsequent re-initiation
MI Radulescu, BMN Maxwell
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 667, 96-134, 2011
Influence of turbulent fluctuations on detonation propagation
BMN Maxwell, RR Bhattacharjee, SSM Lau-Chapdelaine, SAEG Falle, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2016
Effect of boundary layer losses on 2D detonation cellular structures
Q Xiao, A Sow, BM Maxwell, MI Radulescu
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (3), 3641-3649, 2021
Ignition limits of rapidly expanding diffusion layers: Application to unsteady hydrogen jets
BM Maxwell, MI Radulescu
Combustion and flame 158 (10), 1946-1959, 2011
Modelling of the transition of a turbulent shock-flame complex to detonation using the linear eddy model
B Maxwell, A Pekalski, M Radulescu
Combustion and Flame 192, 340-357, 2018
Critical ignition in rapidly expanding self-similar flows
MI Radulescu, BM Maxwell
Physics of Fluids 22 (6), 2010
The origin of shock bifurcations in cellular detonations
MI Radulescu, A Papi, JJ Quirk, P Mach, BM Maxwell
22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive …, 2009
Mechanism of flame acceleration and detonation transition from the interaction of a supersonic turbulent flame with an obstruction: Experiments in low pressure propane–oxygen …
W Rakotoarison, B Maxwell, A Pekalski, MI Radulescu
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (3), 3713-3721, 2019
Turbulent Combustion Modelling of Fast-Flames and Detonations Using Compressible LEM-LES
BMN Maxwell
University of Ottawa, 2016
The role of instabilities on ignition of unsteady hydrogen jets flowing into an oxidizer
BM Maxwell, P Tawagi, MI Radulescu
International journal of hydrogen energy 38 (6), 2908-2918, 2013
Detonation wave diffraction in stoichiometric C2H4/O2 mixtures using a global four-step combustion model
M Peswani, B Maxwell
Physics of Fluids 34 (10), 2022
On the role of transverse detonation waves in the re-establishment of attenuated detonations in methane–oxygen
G Floring, M Peswani, B Maxwell
Combustion and Flame 247, 112497, 2023
Experimental and numerical investigation of turbulent jets issuing through a realistic pipeline geometry: Asymmetry effects for air, helium, and hydrogen
M Soleimani nia, B Maxwell, P Oshkai, N Djilali
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (19), 9379-9398, 2018
A compressible-LEM turbulent combustion subgrid model for assessing gaseous explosion hazards
BM Maxwell, S Falle, G Sharpe, MI Radulescu
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36, 460-470, 2015
Detonation-diffuse interface interactions: failure, re-initiation and propagation limits
J Melguizo-Gavilanes, M Peswani, BMN Maxwell
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38, 2020
One-dimensional model for predicting ignition during an accidental release of pressurized hydrogen into air
BMN Maxwell
University of Ottawa (Canada), 2010
Combustion properties of a simple and efficient four-step model
M Peswani, C Gerace, B Maxwell
Shock Waves 32 (6), 517-537, 2022
Origins of instabilities in turbulent mixing layers behind detonation propagation into reactive–inert gas interfaces
B Maxwell, J Melguizo-Gavilanes
Physics of Fluids 34 (10), 2022
Performance of a generic 4-step global reaction mechanism with equilibrium effects for detonation applications
M Peswani, BMN Maxwell
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 84591 …, 2020
Measurements of flow velocity and scalar concentration in turbulent multi-component jets: asymmetry and buoyancy effects
M Soleimani nia, B Maxwell, P Oshkai, N Djilali
Experiments in Fluids 61, 2020
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