Ezio Bruno
Ezio Bruno
Professore Associato, Università di Messina
在 unime.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Temperature Dependent Magnetic Anisotropy in Metallic Magnets <?format ?>from an Ab Initio Electronic Structure Theory: -Ordered FePt
JB Staunton, S Ostanin, SSA Razee, BL Gyorffy, L Szunyogh, ...
Physical review letters 93 (25), 257204, 2004
Fermi surface nesting and charge-density wave formation in rare-earth tritellurides
J Laverock, SB Dugdale, Z Major, MA Alam, N Ru, IR Fisher, G Santi, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (8), 085114, 2005
Long-range chemical order effects upon the magnetic anisotropy of FePt alloys from an ab initio electronic structure theory
JB Staunton, S Ostanin, SSA Razee, B Gyorffy, L Szunyogh, B Ginatempo, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (48), S5623, 2004
Phase transitions in a confined lattice gas: Prewetting and capillary condensation
E Bruno, UMB Marconi, R Evans
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 141 (1), 187-210, 1987
Fermi surfaces and electronic topological transitions in metallic solid solutions
E Bruno, B Ginatempo, ES Guiliano, AV Ruban, YK Vekilov
Physics Reports 249 (6), 353-419, 1994
Magnetocrystalline anisotropy and compositional order in Calculations from an ab initio electronic model
S Ostanin, SSA Razee, JB Staunton, B Ginatempo, E Bruno
Journal of applied physics 93 (1), 453-457, 2003
Ab Initio Theoretical Description of the Interrelation between Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy and Atomic Short-Range Order
SSA Razee, JB Staunton, B Ginatempo, FJ Pinski, E Bruno
Physical review letters 82 (26), 5369, 1999
Wetting transitions for the Ar- interface: Modified-hypernetted-chain and density-functional-theory results
E Bruno, C Caccamo, P Tarazona
Physical Review A 35 (3), 1210, 1987
Effects of short-range order on the electronic structure of disordered metallic systems
DA Rowlands, JB Staunton, BL Györffy, E Bruno, B Ginatempo
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (4), 045101, 2005
Algorithms for Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker electronic structure calculations in any Bravais lattice
E Bruno, B Ginatempo
Physical Review B 55 (19), 12946, 1997
Incommensurate and Commensurate Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations in Cr and Cr Alloys from Ab Initio Dynamical Spin Susceptibility Calculations
JB Staunton, J Poulter, B Ginatempo, E Bruno, DD Johnson
Physical review letters 82 (16), 3340, 1999
Method for the determination of heavy metals in vegetable oils by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy
R Calapaj, S Chiricosta, G Saija, E Bruno
Atomic spectroscopy 9, 107-109, 1988
Spin fluctuations in nearly magnetic metals from ab initio dynamical spin susceptibility calculations: Application to Pd and
JB Staunton, J Poulter, B Ginatempo, E Bruno, DD Johnson
Physical Review B 62 (2), 1075, 2000
Ab initio theoretical description of the dependence of magnetocrystalline anisotropy on both compositional order and lattice distortion in transition metal alloys
SSA Razee, JB Staunton, B Ginatempo, E Bruno, FJ Pinski
Physical Review B 64 (1), 014411, 2001
Direct Observation of the Multisheet Fermi Surface in the Strongly Correlated <?format ?>Transition Metal Compound
Z Major, SB Dugdale, RJ Watts, G Santi, MA Alam, SM Hayden, JA Duffy, ...
Physical review letters 92 (10), 107003, 2004
Ab initio calculations of incommensurate antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in hcp iron under pressure
V Thakor, JB Staunton, J Poulter, S Ostanin, B Ginatempo, E Bruno
Physical Review B 67 (18), 180405, 2003
Evolution of the Fermi surface and the oscillatory exchange coupling across Cr and Cr-based alloys
RJ Hughes, SB Dugdale, Z Major, MA Alam, T Jarlborg, E Bruno, ...
Physical Review B 69 (17), 174406, 2004
Geometrical resonance in magnetic multilayers
E Bruno, BL Gyorffy
Physical review letters 71 (1), 181, 1993
Oscillatory coupling between interfaces in metallic multilayers
E Bruno, BL Gyorffy
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (14), 2109, 1993
Ab initio search for a high permeability material based on bcc iron
S Ostanin, JB Staunton, SSA Razee, C Demangeat, B Ginatempo, ...
Physical Review B 69 (6), 064425, 2004
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