Alexandra Lee Silverman
Alexandra Lee Silverman
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
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Hearts and minds: stress, anxiety, and depression: unsung risk factors for cardiovascular disease
AL Silverman, AA Herzog, DI Silverman
Cardiology in review 27 (4), 202-207, 2019
Comparing treatment response between LGBQ and heterosexual individuals attending a CBT-and DBT-skills-based partial hospital.
C Beard, N Kirakosian, AL Silverman, JP Winer, LP Wadsworth, ...
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 85 (12), 1171, 2017
Smartphone, social media, and mental health app use in an acute transdiagnostic psychiatric sample
C Beard, AL Silverman, M Forgeard, MT Wilmer, J Torous, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (6), e13364, 2019
Beliefs about the malleability of anxiety and general emotions and their relation to treatment outcomes in acute psychiatric treatment
HS Schroder, ET Kneeland, AL Silverman, C Beard, T Björgvinsson
Cognitive Therapy and Research 43 (2), 312-323, 2019
Translating CBM-I into real-world settings: Augmenting a CBT-based psychiatric hospital program
C Beard, LS Rifkin, AL Silverman, T Björgvinsson
Behavior Therapy 50 (3), 515-530, 2019
Psychometric properties of the mental health continuum–short form in a psychiatric sample
AL Silverman, M Forgeard, C Beard, T Björgvinsson
Journal of Well-Being Assessment 2, 57-73, 2018
Digital mental health services: Moving from promise to results
BA Teachman, AL Silverman, A Werntz
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 29 (1), 97-104, 2022
From urges to action: Negative urgency and nonsuicidal self-injury in an acute transdiagnostic sample
AD Peckham, H Jordan, A Silverman, SJ Steele, T Björgvinsson, C Beard
Archives of suicide research, 2020
Pathways among sleep onset latency, relationship functioning, and negative affect differentiate patients with suicide attempt history from patients with suicidal ideation
C Chu, JA Nota, AL Silverman, C Beard, T Björgvinsson
Psychiatry research 273, 788-797, 2019
Awareness of and attitudes toward CBT, DBT, and ACT in an acute psychiatric sample
JM Kuckertz, AL Silverman, JR Bullis, T Björgvinsson, C Beard
Journal of Clinical Psychology 76 (4), 749-768, 2020
Changes in general self-efficacy and mindfulness are associated with short-term improvements in mood during art-making in a partial hospital program
M Forgeard, A Silverman, J Buchholz, C Beard, T Björgvinsson
The Arts in Psychotherapy 74, 101799, 2021
Predictors of affect following discharge from partial hospitalization: A two-week ecological momentary assessment study
M Forgeard, C Beard, D Shayani, AL Silverman, E Tsukayama, ...
Psychological medicine 51 (7), 1157-1165, 2021
Associations of body weight and waist circumference with psychopathology, substance use, and well-being in an adult transdiagnostic sample
M Yusufov, LM Kopeski, AL Silverman, T Björgvinsson
Journal of Affective Disorders 281, 279-288, 2021
Implicit and explicit beliefs about the effectiveness of psychotherapy vs. medication: A large scale examination and replication
A Silverman, A Werntz, T Ko, B Teachman
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 209 (11), 783-795, 2021
Lessons learned: providing supportive accountability in an online anxiety intervention
A Werntz, AL Silverman, H Behan, SK Patel, M Beltzer, MO Boukhechba, ...
Behavior therapy 53 (3), 492-507, 2022
Web-based interpretation bias training to reduce anxiety: A sequential multiple-assignment randomized trial
JW Eberle, KE Daniel, S Baee, HC Behan, AL Silverman, ...
The relationship between access to mental health resources and use of preferred effective mental health treatment
AL Silverman, BA Teachman
Journal of Clinical Psychology 78 (6), 1020-1045, 2022
Prevalence and correlates of past-month suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and non-suicidal self-injury among adults in a partial hospital program
K Christensen, C Chu, AL Silverman, AD Peckham, T Björgvinsson, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 144, 397-404, 2021
Minimal effect of messaging on engagement in a digital anxiety intervention.
AL Silverman, JM Boggs, JW Eberle, M Baldwin, HC Behan, A Baglione, ...
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 54 (3), 252, 2023
Panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias.
BA Teachman, MR Goldfried, EM Clerkin, AL Silverman
The Guilford Press, 2021
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