Veaceslav Zelentov
Veaceslav Zelentov
Moldova State University, Institute of Applied Physics
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Polymeric luminescent Zn (II) and Cd (II) dicarboxylates decorated by oxime ligands: Tuning the dimensionality and adsorption capacity
L Croitor, EB Coropceanu, AE Masunov, HJ Rivera-Jacquez, AV Siminel, ...
Crystal growth & design 14 (8), 3935-3948, 2014
Применение адсорбционных моделей для описания равновесия в системе оксигидроксид алюминия фтор
ВИ Зеленцов, ТЯ Дацко
Электронная обработка материалов 48 (6), 65-73, 2012
1, 2-Cyclohexanedionedioxime as a useful co-ligand for fabrication of one-dimensional Zn (II) and Cd (II) coordination polymers with wheel-and-axle topology and luminescent …
L Croitor, EB Coropceanu, AV Siminel, O Kulikova, VI Zelentsov, T Datsko, ...
CrystEngComm 14 (10), 3750-3758, 2012
Physicochemical and adsorption-structural properties of diatomite modified with aluminum compounds
TY Datsko, VI Zelentsov, EE Dvornikova
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry 47, 530-539, 2011
Физико-химические и адсорбционно-структурные свойства диатомита, модифицированного соединениями алюминия
ТЯ Дацко, ВИ Зеленцов, ЕЕ Дворникова
Электронная обработка материалов 47 (6), 59-68, 2011
Fluorine Adsorption by aluminum oxihydrates subjected to thermal treatment
VI Zelentsov, TY Datsko, EE Dvornikova
Surface engineering and applied electrochemistry 44, 64-68, 2008
Fluorine sorption by aluminosilicate-modified diatomite from highly concentrated fluorine solutions: 1. Adsorption equilibrium
TY Datsko, VI Zelentsov
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry 52, 300-311, 2016
Adsorption models for treatment of experimental data on removal fluorine from water by oxihydroxides of aluminum
V Zelentsov, T Datsko, E Dvornikova
Romai Journal 8 (1), 209-215, 2012
Furfural adsorption on zeolite: Equilibrium and kinetics modeling
G Torosyan, V Zelentsov, T Datsko, A Ghazi, N Torosyan
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering. A 2 (2A), 80, 2013
Application of adsorption models for the description of equilibrium in an aluminum oxyhydroxide system–fluorine
VI Zelentsov, TY Datsko
Electronic material processing 48 (6), 65, 2012
Use of electrodialysis for the production of grape-based soft and alcoholic drinks
AM Romanov, VI Zelentsov
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry 43 (4), 279-286, 2007
Dependence of the surface charge and the fluorine adsorption by γ-aluminum oxide on the solution temperature
TY Datsko, VI Zelentsov
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry 45, 404-410, 2009
Электрообработка природных сорбентов
ВИ Зеленцов, ТЯ Дацко
Электронная обработка материалов, 128-137, 2006
Thermodynamics of fluorine adsorption onto modified Trepel
V Zelentsov, T Datsko
Termotehnica 1, 25-30, 2013
Применение электродиализа в технологии производства безалкогольных и спиртосодержащих напитков на виноградной основе
АM Романов, ВИ Зеленцов
Электронная обработка материалов, 57-65, 2007
The use of adsorption models to describe the equilibrium in the system of aluminum oxyhydroxide-fluorine
VI Zelentsov, TY Datsko
Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov 48 (6), 65, 2012
Effect of solution temperature and ph on adsorption and density of surface charge at aluminum oxyhydroxide/NaF aqueous solution interface
TY Datsko, VI Zelentsov, EE Dvornikova
Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 47, 295-301, 2011
Зависимость поверхностного заряда и адсорбции фтора yокисью алюминия от температуры раствора
ТЯ Дацко, ВИ Зеленцов
Электронная обработка материалов, 65-73, 2009
Experience in operating a device for concentration of mineral raw material combining electroflotation and separation in a froth layer
VE Nenno, VI Zelentsov, EV Mel’nichuk, AM Romanov, TY Datsko, ...
Electronnaya Obrabotka Materialov 6, 77-79, 1988
Modification of diatomite with aluminium compounds and the possibility of its applying for water purification
T Datsko, V Zelentsov
Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute 20, 51-57, 2014
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