Mireille Post-Hubers
Combining the best of two worlds: a conceptual proposal for evidence-informed school improvement
C Brown, K Schildkamp, MD Hubers
Educational Research 59 (2), 154-172, 2017
Paving the way for sustainable educational change: Reconceptualizing what it means to make educational changes that last
MD Hubers
Teaching and teacher education 93, 103083, 2020
Between lethal and local adaptation: Lesson study as an organizational routine
F Wolthuis, K Van Veen, S De Vries, MD Hubers
International Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Effective characteristics of professional development programs for science and technology education
MD Hubers, M D. Endedijk, K Van Veen
Professional Development in Education 48 (5), 827-846, 2022
The quest for sustained data use: Developing organizational routines
MD Hubers, K Schildkamp, CL Poortman, JM Pieters
Teaching and teacher education 67, 509-521, 2017
Share and succeed: the development of knowledge sharing and brokerage in data teams’ network structures
MD Hubers, NM Moolenaar, K Schildkamp, AJ Daly, A Handelzalts, ...
ReseaRch PaPeRs in education 33 (2), 216-238, 2018
Opening the black box: knowledge creation in data teams
MD Hubers, CL Poortman, K Schildkamp, JM Pieters, A Handelzalts
Journal of professional capital and community 1 (1), 41-68, 2016
Establishing Sustainable School Improvement through Professional Learning
MD Hubers, CL Poortman
Networks for learning: Effective collaboration for teacher, school and …, 2017
The Data Team™ Procedure: A Systematic Approach to School Improvement
K Schildkamp, A Handelzalts, CL Poortman, H Leusink, M Meerdink, ...
Capacity building by data team members to sustain schools' data use
MD Hubers
University of Twente, 2016
Personality and problem behaviours as predictors of adolescents’ social status: Academic track and gender as moderators
MD Hubers, WJ Burk, E Segers, M Kleinjan, RHJ Scholte, AHN Cillessen
Educational psychology 36 (8), 1443-1461, 2016
The concept of organizational routines and its potential for investigating educational initiatives in practice: a systematic review of the literature
F Wolthuis, MD Hubers, K van Veen, S de Vries
Review of Educational Research 92 (2), 249-287, 2022
Spreading the word: Boundary crossers building collective capacity for data use
MD Hubers, CL Poortman, K Schildkamp, JM Pieters
Teachers college record 121 (1), 1-45, 2019
De datateam methode: Een concrete aanpak voor onderwijsverbetering
K Schildkamp, A Handelsalts, C Poortman, H Leusink, M Meerdink, ...
Maklu, 2014
The hullabaloo of schooling: the influence of school factors on the (dis) continuation of lesson study
F Wolthuis, MD Hubers, K van Veen, S de Vries
Research papers in education 37 (6), 1020-1041, 2022
In pursuit of sustainable educational change - Introduction to the special section
MD Hubers
Teaching and Teacher Education 93, 2020
More than mundane matters: an exploration of how schools organize professional learning teams
F Wolthuis, MD Hubers, S de Vries, K van Veen
International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1-20, 2020
Learning communities: Het vormgeven en evalueren van een kansrijke vorm voor een leven lang ontwikkelen
MD Hubers, MD Endedijk, T Schipper, de Jong L, S Corporaal
Handboek Human Resource Development. Organiseren van het leren, 2021
de rol van hrd en e-hrm bij het invoeren van organisatieveranderingen: een routine dynamics-perspectief
MD Hubers, B TV
Handboek Human Resource Development. Organiseren van het leren, 2021
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