Developmental trajectories of childhood disruptive behaviors and adolescent delinquency: a six-site, cross-national study. LM Broidy, DS Nagin, RE Tremblay, JE Bates, B Brame, KA Dodge, ... Developmental psychology 39 (2), 222, 2003 | 2583 | 2003 |
The power of friendship: protection against an escalating cycle of peer victimization. EVE Hodges, M Boivin, F Vitaro, WM Bukowski Developmental psychology 35 (1), 94, 1999 | 1906 | 1999 |
Predicting early onset of male antisocial behavior from preschool behavior RE Tremblay, RO Pihl, F Vitaro, PL Dobkin Archives of general psychiatry 51 (9), 732-739, 1994 | 936 | 1994 |
A bimodal preventive intervention for disruptive kindergarten boys: its impact through mid-adolescence. RE Tremblay, L Pagani-Kurtz, LC Mâsse, F Vitaro, RO Pihl Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 63 (4), 560, 1995 | 683 | 1995 |
Reactively and proactively aggressive children: Antecedent and subsequent characteristics F Vitaro, M Brendgen, RE Tremblay Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 43 (4), 495-505, 2002 | 679 | 2002 |
Influence of deviant friends on delinquency: Searching for moderator variables F Vitaro, M Brendgen, RE Tremblay Journal of abnormal child psychology 28, 313-325, 2000 | 630 | 2000 |
Efficacy of three short-course regimens of zidovudine and lamivudine in preventing early and late transmission of HIV-1 from mother to child in Tanzania, South Africa, and … Petra Study Team The Lancet 359 (9313), 1178-1186, 2002 | 589 | 2002 |
Development of parasomnias from childhood to early adolescence L Laberge, RE Tremblay, F Vitaro, J Montplaisir Pediatrics 106 (1), 67-74, 2000 | 559 | 2000 |
Reactive and proactive aggression differentially predict later conduct problems F Vitaro, PL Gendreau, RE Tremblay, P Oligny Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 39 (3), 377-385, 1998 | 554 | 1998 |
Development of sleep patterns in early adolescence L Laberge, D Petit, C Simard, F Vitaro, RE Tremblay, J Montplaisir Journal of sleep research 10 (1), 59-67, 2001 | 522 | 2001 |
The timing of Middle‐Childhood peer rejection and friendship: Linking early behavior to Early‐Adolescent adjustment S Pedersen, F Vitaro, ED Barker, AIH Borge Child development 78 (4), 1037-1051, 2007 | 515 | 2007 |
Subtypes of aggressive behaviors: A developmental perspective F Vitaro, M Brendgen, ED Barker International Journal of Behavioral Development 30 (1), 12-19, 2006 | 511 | 2006 |
Iatrogenic effect of juvenile justice U Gatti, RE Tremblay, F Vitaro Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 50 (8), 991-998, 2009 | 506 | 2009 |
Impulsivity predicts problem gambling in low SES adolescent males F Vitaro, L Arseneault, RE Tremblay Addiction 94 (4), 565-575, 1999 | 489 | 1999 |
Reactive and proactive aggression: Predictions to physical violence in different contexts and moderating effects of parental monitoring and caregiving behavior M Brendgen, F Vitaro, RE Tremblay, F Lavoie Journal of abnormal child psychology 29, 293-304, 2001 | 474 | 2001 |
Trajectories of prosocial behavior and physical aggression in middle childhood: Links to adolescent school dropout and physical violence K Kokko, RE Tremblay, E Lacourse, DS Nagin, F Vitaro Journal of research on adolescence 16 (3), 403-428, 2006 | 466 | 2006 |
Kindergarten disruptive behaviors, protective factors, and educational achievement by early adulthood. F Vitaro, M Brendgen, S Larose, RE Trembaly Journal of educational psychology 97 (4), 617, 2005 | 450 | 2005 |
Disruptiveness, friends' characteristics, and delinquency in early adolescence: A test of two competing models of development F Vitaro, RE Tremblay, M Kerr, L Pagani, WM Bukowski Child development, 676-689, 1997 | 414 | 1997 |
Developmental trajectories of boys' delinquent group membership and facilitation of violent behaviors during adolescence E Lacourse, D Nagin, RE Tremblay, F Vitaro, M Claes Development and psychopathology 15 (1), 183-197, 2003 | 387 | 2003 |
Gambling, delinquency, and drug use during adolescence: Mutual influences and common risk factors F Vitaro, M Brendgen, R Ladouceur, RE Tremblay Journal of gambling studies 17, 171-190, 2001 | 387 | 2001 |