Young-Duk Seo
Young-Duk Seo
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A Survey on Standards for Interoperability and Security in the Internet of Things
E Lee, YD Seo, SR Oh, YG Kim
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (2), 1020-1047, 2021
Privacy-preserving attribute-based access control model for XML-based electronic health record system
K Seol, YG Kim, E Lee, YD Seo, DK Baik
IEEE Access 6, 9114-9128, 2018
Personalized recommender system based on friendship strength in social network services
YD Seo, YG Kim, E Lee, DK Baik
Expert Systems with Applications 69, 135-148, 2017
A comprehensive survey on security and privacy for electronic health data
SR Oh, YD Seo, E Lee, YG Kim
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (18), 9668, 2021
A survey on security requirements for WSNs: focusing on the characteristics related to security
JY Yu, E Lee, SR Oh, YD Seo, YG Kim
IEEE Access 8, 45304-45324, 2020
An enhanced aggregation method considering deviations for a group recommendation
YD Seo, YG Kim, E Lee, KS Seol, DK Baik
Expert Systems with Applications 93, 299-312, 2018
RINGA: Design and verification of finite state machine for self-adaptive software at runtime
E Lee, YG Kim, YD Seo, K Seol, DK Baik
Information and Software Technology 93, 200-222, 2018
Group recommender system based on genre preference focusing on reducing the clustering cost
YD Seo, YG Kim, E Lee, H Kim
Expert Systems with Applications 183, 115396, 2021
Point of interest recommendations based on the anchoring effect in location-based social network services
YD Seo, YS Cho
Expert Systems with Applications 164, 114018, 2021
Self-Adaptive Framework Based on MAPE Loop for Internet of Things
E Lee, YD Seo, YG Kim
Sensors 19 (13), 2996, 2019
Video on demand recommender system for internet protocol television service based on explicit information fusion
YD Seo, E Lee, YG Kim
Expert Systems with Applications 143, 113045, 2020
A Nash equilibrium based decision-making method for internet of things
E Lee, YD Seo, YG Kim
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2019
Design of a smart greenhouse system based on MAPE-K and ISO/IEC-11179
YD Seo, YG Kim, E Lee, KS Seol, DK Baik
2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1-2, 2018
PReAmacy: 소셜 네트워크 서비스에서 콘텐츠와 사용자의 친밀도를 고려한 개인화 추천 알고리즘
서영덕, 김정동, 백두권
정보과학회논문지: 데이타베이스 41 (4), 209-216, 2014
A cache-based model abstraction and runtime verification for the Internet-of-Things applications
E Lee, YD Seo, YG Kim
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (9), 8886-8901, 2020
Runtime verification method for self-adaptive software using reachability of transition system model
E Lee, YG Kim, YD Seo, K Seol, DK Baik
Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 65-68, 2017
WiFi-enabled Occupancy Monitoring in Smart Buildings with a Self-Adaptive Mechanism
S Muhammad, YD Seo, Y Noh
Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 759-762, 2023
Self-adaptive framework with game theoretic decision making for Internet of things
E Lee, YG Kim, YD Seo, DK Baik
TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2092-2097, 2018
개체 중의성 해소를 위한 사용자 유사도 기반의 트윗 개체 링킹 기법
김서현, 서영덕, 백두권
정보과학회논문지 43 (9), 1043-1051, 2016
An evaluation method for content analysis based on Twitter content influence
E Lee, YG Kim, YD Seo, K Seol, DK Baik
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 27 …, 2017
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