Paul K Davis
Paul K Davis
optics physicist, NASA Ames Research Center
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Trapped and cosmogenic rare gases from stepwise heating of Apollo 11 samples
CM Hohenberg, PK Davis, WA Kaiser, RS Lewis, JH Reynolds
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 1, 1283, 1970
< sup> 40</sup> Ar-< sup> 39</sup> Ar ages and trace element contents of Apollo 14 breccias; an interlaboratory cross-calibration of< sup> 40</sup> Ar-< sup> 39</sup> Ar standards
EC Alexander, PK Davis
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 38 (6), 911-928, 1974
Isotopic analysis of rare gases from stepwise heating of lunar fines and rocks
JH Reynolds, CM Hohenberg, RS Lewis, PK Davis, WA Kaiser
Science 167 (3918), 545-548, 1970
Iodine-129/Xenon-129 age of magnetite from the Orgueil meteorite
GF Herzog, E Anders, EC Alexander Jr, PK Davis, RS Lewis
Science 180 (4085), 489-491, 1973
Iodine-129/Xenon-129 Age of Magnetite from the Orgueil Meteorite
F Herzog Gregory, EC Alexander, PK Davis, RS Lewis
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1973
Effects of shock pressure on< sup> 40</sup> Ar-< sup> 39</sup> Ar radiometric age determinations
PK Davis
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 41 (2), 195-205, 1977
Studies of K-Ar dating and xenon from extinct radioactivities in breccia 14318; implications for early lunar history
JH Reynolds, EC Alexander, PK Davis, B Srinivasan
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 38 (3), 401-417, 1974
Stepwise heating analyses of rare gases from pile-irradiated rocks 10044 and 10057
PK Davis, RS Lewis, JH Reynolds
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Proceedings 2, 1693, 1971
Rare-gas analyses on neutron irradiated Apollo 12 samples
EC Alexander Jr, PK Davis, JH Reynolds
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v. Suppl. 3, pp. 1787-1795, 1972
Argon-40-argon-39 dating of Apollo sample 15555
EC Alexander, PK Davis, RS Lewis
Science 175 (4020), 417-419, 1972
Baffle design for telescopes with tiltable secondary mirrors
PK Davis
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series …, 1987
Age, Exposure History, and Trace Element Composition of Some Apollo 14 and 15 Rocks as Determined from Rare Gas Analyses
EC Alexander Jr, PK Davis, JH Reynolds, B Srinivasan
Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts 4, 27, 1973
Radiogenic Xenon and Argon in 14318 and Implications
EC Alexander Jr, PK Davis, JH Reynolds, B Srinivasan
Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts 4, 30, 1973
Rare gas analyses of Apollo sample 14318
B Srinivasan, EC Alexander Jr, PK Davis, JH Reynolds
Trans., Amer. Geophys. Union 53, 1038, 1972
Rare gas analyses on neutron irradiated lunar samples
EC Alexander, PK Davis, RS Lewis, JH Reynolds
Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts 3, 12, 1972
Progress in the Photometric Search for Extrasolar Planets
W Borucki, D Koch, E Dunham, P Davis, S Colombano, A Granados, ...
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 25, 1124, 1993
Alternative aperture stop position designs for SIRTF
PK Davis, ASC Dinger
San Dieg-DL Tentative, 25-34, 1990
Optical design for SOFIA
PK Davis, SS Maa, N Rajan
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series …, 1989
Monte-Carlo analysis of recording codes
P Davis
Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 20 (5), 887-887, 1984
Technology Demonstration Milestone# 1 for the EXoplanetary Circumstellar Environments and Disk Explorer (EXCEDE) I. Laboratory/Experimental Results
R Belikov, E Bendek, P Davis, A Duncan, TP Greene, O Guyon, T Hix, ...
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 223, 2014
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