Hussein A. Alhamadawi
Hussein A. Alhamadawi
Assist. Prof., University of Al-Qadisiyah, Biology Department
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Transfusion of blood components in the newborn service of the hospital
AJ Al-Naely, MT Qasim, HA Al-Hamadawi
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 952-958, 2021
Title of Paper: Effect of Chocolate Brown HT E155 on some hormones in male albino rats
HAA Jabbar. R. Abbas
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 13 (3), 485-489, 2019
Comparative Anatomical and Histological Study of the Liver in Three Species of Wild Birds in Iraq
AWA Hussein A. Al-hamadawi1*, Ahmed J. Alnaaly1, Jameel K. Alumeri1
Journal of Global Pharma Technology 10 (9), 387-394, 2017
An examination of the effect of rutin against neurotoxicity induced by ciprofloxacin antibiotic in wistar rats
AJ Al-Naely, HA Al-Hamadawi, JK Alumeri
Archives of Razi Institute 77 (2), 835-841, 2022
Interaction between Altered P53 and PTEN Inactivation has a biological predictive implication in assessment of aggressive breast cancer
AW Al-bideri, ZS Allebban, AH Jaber, HR Al-Ghazali
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 4 (5), 910-922, 2015
Studying the protective and therapeutic role of Rutin on the histological structure of the liver and some physiological parameters in Rats treated with ciprofloxacin
HA Al-Hamadawi, AAM Al-Ankoshy, KA Alqershi
BNIHS 140, 1113-22, 2022
Protective and therapeutic role of pomegranate peel extract to reduce profen side effects.
AN Fajer, JK Alumeri, HA Al-hamadawi
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14 (1), 2020
Low expression of PTEN gene is an important trigger event for progression of breast carcinoma
HA Al-hamadawi, AA Al-Janabi, TAAKA Al-bider
Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology 7 (3), 205-214, 2015
Assessment of heavy metals on some tissues of Marbled Teal, Marmaronetta Angustirostris in Al-Dalmaj Marsh, Iraq
LAA Al-Obeidi, HA Al-Hamadawi
International Journal of Aquatic Biology 12 (1), 25-32, 2024
Determination of Some Heavy Metals in Tissues of Binni Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi and Water in Al-Dalmaj Marsh/Iraq
L Al-Obeidi, HA Al-hamadawi
Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology 15 (3), 164-177, 2023
Determination of Some Heavy Metals in Tissues of Binni Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi and Water in Al-Dalmaj Marsh/Iraq.
LA Abed Al-Obeidi, HA Al-hamadawi
Magazine of Al-Kufa University for Biology 15 (3), 2023
Effects Study of Some Common Food Additives on Gene Expression of TPO Gene in Young Male Rats
SA Abbas, HA Al-Hamadawi
Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences 16 (06), 681-681, 2022
Effects Study of Some Common Food Additives on Histological and Functional Thyroid Gland in Young Male Albino Rats
SA Abbas, HA Al-Hamadawi
Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences 16 (06), 677-677, 2022
Study of possible to use Quercetin for diminish from negative effects of Carbimazole which use to cure hyperthyroidism that induce with thyroxin on Albino Rats
AJHHA Salman
Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology 9 (1), 185-175, 2017
The Effect Study of Using Different Concentrations of Chocolate Brown Dye (Chocolate Brown HT E155) on Some Physiological Parameters and Histological Structure of Stomach and …
AA Hussein A. Al-hamadawi1
Al –Qadisiyah journal of pure science 21 (2), 24-35, 2016
Histological and Physiological study of the negative effects of toxins produced by Aspergillus flavus fungi on the fertility of male rats
HAAAJ Al-Naaly
Al-Qudisiyah journal of pure sciences 19 (2), 2-16, 2014
تأثير المستخلص الكحولي لأوراق نبات الذفلة Nerium oleander على بعض الصفات الوظيفية للكبذ والكلية في ركور الجرران البيض
د. حسين خضير الويالي حسين عباس الحميداوي زينب إبراهين الليباوي
2010، هجلت واسط للعلوم والطب ،الوجلد 3 ،العدد 2 3 (2), 1-9, 2010
Study effect of Alcoholic extract of Black seed Nigella sativa on reduction of negative effects of Exudation of liquid culture of Aspergillus flavus on some of histological and …
Hussein. A. Al-hamadawi
Al –Qadisiyah journal of pure science 15 (1), 33-44, 2010
Some of physiological and histological changes in experimental albino rat exposure to different doses of antifungal ketoconazole
Hussein. A. Al-hamadawi
journal of thi-qar science 2 (2), 21-27, 2010
تأثير الفايتيز المايكروبي ومستخلص بذور الحبة السوداء في بعض معايير دم الجرذان البيض المتعرضة للتسمم بكلوريد الكادميوم
احمد جاسم حسن النائلي وحسين عباس سلمان الحميداوي جبار عباس احمد الساعدي
مجلة واسط للعلوم والطب 2 (1), 28-39, 2009
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