Digital entrepreneurship in pandemic Covid 19 era: The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem framework R Purbasari, Z Muttaqin, DS Sari Review of integrative business and economics research 10, 114-135, 2021 | 100 | 2021 |
BISNIS DIGITAL: Strategi Administrasi Bisnis Digital Untuk Menghadapi Masa Depan RSY Zebua, C Hendriyani, R Sukmadewi, AR Thaha, R Tahir, ... PT. Sonpedia Publishing Indonesia, 2023 | 45 | 2023 |
DIGITAL MARKETING: Optimalisasi Strategi Pemasaran Digital OH Sari, AY Rukmana, M Munizu, NJA Novel, MF Salam, RMA Hakim, ... PT. Sonpedia Publishing Indonesia, 2023 | 39 | 2023 |
Actors and their roles in entrepreneurial ecosystem: a network theory perspective: cooperative study in Sukabumi, West Java R Purbasari, HA Muhyi, I Sukoco Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research 9, 240-253, 2020 | 38 | 2020 |
Most roles actors play in entrepreneurial ecosystem: A network theory perspective R Purbasari, C Wijaya, N Rahayu Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 23 (2), 1-16, 2020 | 31 | 2020 |
Identification of actors and factors in the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem: The case of digital platform-based MSMEs in Indonesia R Purbasari, Z Muttaqin, DS Sari Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research 10, 164-187, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Interaction of actors and factors in entrepreneurial ecosystem: Indonesian creatives industries R Purbasari, C Wijaya, N Rahayu International Journal of Entrepreneurship 23 (1 Special Issue), 2019 | 22 | 2019 |
Mapping of digital industry competitive advantages: Market-based view approach R Purbasari, DS Sari, Z Muttaqin Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research 9, 380-398, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
The entrepreneurial ecosystem as a network-rich system: a systematic mapping study R Purbasari, C Wijaya, N Rahayu Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 25 (2), 1-17, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Identifikasi Aktor Dan Faktor Dalam Ekosistem Kewirausahaan: Kasus Pada Industri Kreatif Di Wilayah Priangan Timur, Jawa Barat C Wijaya, N Rahayu AdBispreneur: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian Administrasi Bisnis Dan …, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Digital innovation ecosystem on digital entrepreneur: Social network analysis approach R Purbasari, E Munajat, F Fauzan International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI) 13 (1), 1-21, 2023 | 14 | 2023 |
Creative industry mapping in East Priangan region: Identifying of local competitive advantage R Purbasari, C Wijaya, N Rahayu, E Maulina Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian Administrasi Bisnis Dan Kewirausahaan 3 (1 …, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |
The impact of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on regional competitive advantage: A network theory perspective R Purbasari, C Wijaya, N Rahayu Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences 11 (83), 49-63, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Leadership styles of women entrepreneurs in the field of culinary and fashion of Ikatan Wanita Pengusaha Indonesia (IWAPI) Bandung NJA Novel, R Purbasari Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research 6, 143, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Entrepreneurial ecosystem and regional competitive advantage: A case study on the creative economy of Indonesia R Purbasari, C Wijaya, N Rahayu Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 6 (6), 92-110, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
The impact of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on regional competitive advantage: A network theory perspective P Ratih, W Chandra, R Ning Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences 83 (11), 49-63, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Digitalisasi Logistik Dalam Mendukung Kinerja E-Logistic Di Era Digital: A Literature Review R Purbasari, NJA Novel, N Kostini Journal of Organization, Management, Business and Logistics (JOMBLO) 1 (2 …, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Pelatihan social media marketing bagi pengurus koperasi-koperasi di kecamatan panyileukan kota bandung SJ Raharja, HA Muhyi, A Chan, R Purbasari Kumawula: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 5 (1), 115-125, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Entrepreneurial behavior model based on entrepreneur competencies using generic entrepreneur competencies for fashion creative industries in Soreang, West Java, Indonesia … R Purbasari, M Rasmini Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research 8, 117-125, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |