Žaneta Pauková
Žaneta Pauková
odborný asistent, SPU Nitra
在 uniag.sk 的电子邮件经过验证
Phytoremediation potential of fast-growing energy plants: challenges and perspectives–a review
M Hauptvogl, M Kotrla, M Prčík, Ž Pauková, M Kováčik, T Lošák
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 29 (1), 505-516, 2019
Structure and population dynamics of Asclepias syriaca L. in the agricultural land
Ž Pauková, V Káderová, L Bakay
Agriculture (Pol'nohospodarstvo) 59 (4), 161-166, 2013
Response of soil organic carbon and water-stable aggregates to different biochar treatments including nitrogen fertilization
V Šimanský, D Igaz, J Horák, P Šurda, M Kolenčík, NP Buchkina, ...
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 66 (4), 429-436, 2018
Invasive plant species in the three microregions of Nitra region, South-West Slovakia
ŽET PaukOvá
Ekológia (Bratislava) 32 (2), 262-266, 2013
Mapping of alien species of Asclepias syriaca and Fallopia japonica populations in the agricultural landscape
Ž PAUKOVÁ, M Knápeková, M Hauptvogl
Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2014
Life cycle of miscanthus× giganteus (greef et deu) grown in southwestern slovakia conditions
Z Jureková, M Kotrla, Ž Pauková
Acta regionalia et environmentalica 10 (2), 38-41, 2013
The growth and yield of different Miscanthus genotypes in the conditions of south-western Slovakia.
Z Jureková, M Kotrla, Ž Pauková, M Prčík
Evaluation of the Biomass of Arundo donax L. in the Context of Regional Bioenergetics
T Giertl, Ž Pauková, M Hauptvogl, M Prčík, J Gaduš
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 31 (4), 3043-3049, 2022
The impact of floodplain vegetation on the erosion-sedimentation processes in fluvisols during flood events
I Belčáková, J Vojtkova, Ž Pauková, M Offertalerova
Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res 17 (3), 2019
The current spread of invasive neophytes of genus Fallopia in town Hlohovec (SW Slovakia) after ten years
Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2013
Populačná dynamika rastlín s klonálnym rastom: Allium ursinum L. a Fallopia x bohemica: dizertačná práca (PhD.)
Ž Pauková
Nitra: SPU 132, 2008
Fast-growing energy crops grown in conditions oF slovakia in the context oF the eU energy policy
Z Jureková, M Kotrla, M Prčík, M Hauptvogl, Ž Pauková
Acta regionalia et environmentalica 12 (1), 1-5, 2015
Altitudinal occurrence of non-native plant species (neophytes) and their habitat affinity to anthropogenic biotopes in conditions of south-western Slovakia
M Beniak, Ž Pauková, A Fehér
Ekológia (Bratislava) 34 (2), 163-175, 2015
Mapping of occurrence and population dynamics of invasive plant species Heracleum mantegazzianum in the agricultural landscape
Ž Pauková, R Kapralova, M Hauptvogl
Journal of Central European Agriculture 20 (2), 671-677, 2019
Hustota a štruktúra populácií jarných geofytov v dubovo-hrabovom lese v Bábe pri Nitre, juhozápadné Slovensko
P Eliáš, Ž Pauková
Rosalia, Nitra 21, 47-56, 2010
Distribution of Selected Invasive Neophytes in Floodplainforests in the Protected Landscape Area Dunajské Luhy (Slovakia)
Z Paukova, M Hauptvogl, K Dreskova, P Littera
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 19 (5.2), 285-292, 2019
Occurrence and spread after 18 years of invasion by fallopia× bohemica (Slovakia)
Ž Pauková
Journal of Ecological Engineering 20 (3), 85-90, 2019
Príspevok k poznaniu skladby fytocenóz lužných lesov prírodnej rezervácie Dunajské ostrovy
Ž Pauková, T Buchta, I Vykouková, L Karlík, D Hriník
Zprávy Lesnického výzkumu 63 (1), 53-60, 2018
Výskyt inváznych a potenciálne inváznych druhov rastlín na Dolnej Orave (SZ Slovensko)
Ž Pauková, L Kršková
Starostlivosť o biodiverzitu vo vidieckej krajine, Zborník vedeckých prác …, 2010
Rast a tvorba biomasy genotypov Miscanthus v podmienkach juhozápadného Slovenska
Z Jureková, M Kotrla, Ž Pauková, M Prčík
Acta Regionalia et Environmentalica (Slovak Republic) 9 (2), 2012
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