chiraz latiri
chiraz latiri
University Tunis El Manar
在 gnet.tn 的电子邮件经过验证
Combining IR and LDA topic modeling for filtering microblogs
M Hajjem, C Latiri
Procedia Computer Science 112, 761-770, 2017
Towards an effective automatic query expansion process using an association rule mining approach
C Latiri, H Haddad, T Hamrouni
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 39, 209-247, 2012
Short query expansion for microblog retrieval
MA Zingla, L Chiraz, Y Slimani
Procedia Computer Science 96, 225-234, 2016
Query expansion using fuzzy association rules between terms
CC Latiri, SB Yahia, JP Chevallet, A Jaoua
Proceedings of JIM, 2003
Hybrid query expansion model for text and microblog information retrieval
MA Zingla, C Latiri, P Mulhem, C Berrut, Y Slimani
Information Retrieval Journal 21, 337-367, 2018
BE-BLC: BERT-ELMO-Based deep neural network architecture for English named entity recognition task
M Affi, C Latiri
Procedia Computer Science 192, 168-181, 2021
Extension of fuzzy Galois connection for information retrieval using a fuzzy quantifier
CC Latiri, S Elloumi, JP Chevallet, A Jaoua
ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications …, 2003
LC-mine: a framework for frequent subgraph mining with local consistency techniques
B Douar, M Liquiere, C Latiri, Y Slimani
Knowledge and Information Systems 44, 1-25, 2015
INEX2014: Tweet Contextualization Using Association Rules between Terms.
MA Zingla, M Ettaleb, CC Latiri, Y Slimani
CLEF (Working Notes), 574-584, 2014
Approche hybride de classification supervisée à base de treillis de Galois: application à la reconnaissance de visages.
B Douar, CC Latiri, Y Slimani
EGC, 309-320, 2008
Enrichissement d'ontologie par une base générique minimale de règles associatives-application aux maladies neurologies: les dystonies.
LB Ghezaiel, CC Latiri, MB Ahmed, N Gouider-Khouja
CORIA, 289-300, 2010
Experimental ir meets multilinguality, multimodality, and interaction
P Bellot, C Trabelsi, J Mothe, F Murtagh, JY Nie, L Soulier, E SanJuan, ...
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the CLEF Association …, 2018
Learning query expansion from association rules between terms
A Bouziri, C Latiri, E Gaussier, Y Belhareth
2015 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge …, 2015
Building comparable corpora from social networks
M Hajjem, M Trabelsi, C Latiri
BUCC, 7th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora, LREC, Reykjavik …, 2013
VIE-MGB: A Visual Interactive Exploration of Minimal Generic Basis of Association Rules
CL Cherif, W Bellegua, SB Yahia, G Guesmi
Proc. International Conferences on Concept Lattices and Applications (CLA …, 2005
LTR-expand: query expansion model based on learning to rank association rules
A Bouziri, C Latiri, E Gaussier
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 55, 261-286, 2020
CoMRing: a framework for community detection based on multi-relational querying exploration
S Guesmi, C Trabelsi, C Latiri
Procedia Computer Science 96, 627-636, 2016
Community detection in multi-relational bibliographic networks
S Guesmi, C Trabelsi, C Latiri
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 27th International Conference …, 2016
Statistical and semantic approaches for tweet contextualization
MA Zingla, L Chiraz, Y Slimani, C Berrut
Procedia Computer Science 60, 498-507, 2015
Community detection in multi-relational social networks based on relational concept analysis
S Guesmi, C Trabelsi, C Latiri
Procedia Computer Science 159, 291-300, 2019
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