Bambang S Purwoko
Bambang S Purwoko
Professor in Crop Biotechnology and Physiology, Bogor Agricultural University IPB
在 ipb.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Fisiologi dan teknologi pasca panen tanaman hortikultura
BB Santoso, BS Purwoko
Indonesia Australia Eastern Universities Project 187, 1995
Selection index based on multivariate analysis for selecting doubled-haploid rice lines in lowland saline prone area.
MF Anshori, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi, SW Ardie, WB Suwarno
Keragaman genetik dan karakter agronomi galur haploid ganda padi gogo dengan sifat-sifat tipe baru hasil kultur antera
R Herawati, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 37 (2), 2009
Determination of selection criteria for screening of rice genotypes for salinity tolerance.
MF Anshori, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi, SW Ardie, WB Suwarno, H Safitri
Hubungan karakter daun dengan hasil padi varietas unggul
TB Wahyuti, BS Purwoko, A Junaedi, B Abdullah
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 41 (3), 2013
Induced mutation by gamma rays irradiation to increase chilli resistance to Begomovirus
R Gaswanto, M Syukur, BS Purwoko, SH Hidayat
AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science 38 (1), 24-32, 2016
A new approach to select doubled haploid rice lines under salinity stress using indirect selection index
MF Anshori, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi, SW Ardie, WB Suwarno
Rice Science 28 (4), 368-378, 2021
Evaluasi pertumbuhan dan produksi padi gogo haploid ganda toleran naungan dalam sistem tumpang sari
P Sasmita, BS Purwoko, S Sujiprihati, I Hanarida, IS Dewi, MA Chozin
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 34 (2), 2006
Rice anther culture to obtain doubled-haploids with multiple tolerances
BS Purwoko, IS Dewi, N Khumaida
Asia Pac J Mol Biol Biotechnol 18 (1), 55-57, 2010
Kultur antera untuk percepatan perakitan varietas padi di Indonesia
IS Dewi, BS Purwoko
Jurnal AgroBiogen 8 (2), 78-88, 2012
Bioteknologi dalam pemuliaan tanaman
GA Wattimena, NM Wiendi, N Ansori, A Purwito, D Efendi, N Khumaida, ...
Pendahuluan. IPB Press. Bogor, 2011
Role of polyamines in inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis and their effects on rice anther culture development
IS Dewi, BS Purwoko
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science 9 (2), 2008
Selection index for selecting promising doubled haploid lines of black rice.
R Alsabah, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi, Y Wahyu
Perbanyakan tunas mikro pada beberapa umur simpan umbi dan pembentukan umbi mikro bawang merah pada dua suhu ruang kultur
D Dinarti
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 39 (2), 2011
Agronomic and yield selection of doubled haploid lines of rainfed lowland rice in advanced yield trials
MR Akbar, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi, WB Suwarno, S SUGIYANTA, ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (7), 2021
Identifikasi toleransi kekeringan tetua padi hibrida pada fase perkecambahan menggunakan polietilen glikol (PEG) 6000
Y Widyastuti, BS Purwoko, M Yunus
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 44 (3), 235-241, 2016
Deteksi dini toleransi padi hibrida terhadap kekeringan menggunakan PEG 6000
BS Purwoko, A Junaedi, O Haridjaja, IS Dewi
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 41 (1), 2013
Plant regeneration from anther cultures of several genotypes of indica rice tolerant to aluminum toxicity
IS Dewi, BS Purwoko, H Aswidinnoor, IH Somantri, MA Chozin
Indonesian J. Agric 2 (1), 1-5, 2009
Pengaturan pembungaan tanaman manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) di luar musim dengan strangulasi, serta aplikasi paklobutrazol dan etepon
IN Rai, R Poerwanto, LK Darusman, BS Purwoko
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 32 (2), 2004
Cluster heatmap for detection of good tolerance trait on doubled-haploid rice lines under hydroponic salinity screening
MF Anshori, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi, WB Suwarno, SW Ardie
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 484 (1), 012001, 2020
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