Use of albendazole sulfoxide, albendazole sulfone, and combined solutions as scolicidal agents on hydatid cysts (in vitro study) G Adas, S Arikan, O Kemik, A Oner, N Sahip, O Karatepe World journal of gastroenterology: WJG 15 (1), 112, 2009 | 159 | 2009 |
Higher prevalence of toxoplasmosis in victims of traffic accidents suggest increased risk of traffic accident in Toxoplasma-infected inhabitants of Istanbul and its suburbs B Kocazeybek, YA Oner, R Turksoy, C Babur, H Cakan, N Sahip, A Unal, ... Forensic science international 187 (1-3), 103-108, 2009 | 125 | 2009 |
Curable sexually transmitted infections among the clientele of a family planning clinic in Istanbul, Turkey N Ortayli, Y Sahip, B Amca, L Say, N Sahip, D Aydin Sexually transmitted diseases 28 (1), 58-61, 2001 | 20 | 2001 |
İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Parazitoloji Bilim Dalı'nda 1997-2001 yılları arasında parazitolojik yönden incelenen 15714 dışkı örneğinden elde edilen sonuçlar YA ÖNER, N SAHİP, H UYSAL, E BÜGET Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 26 (3), 303-304, 2002 | 18 | 2002 |
2000 yılları arasında İstanbul Tıp Fakültesinde incelenen kist hidatik ön tanılı olguların serolojik sonuçları N Sahip, H Uysal, A Öztoprak, T Öğüt, G Şengür, YA Öner Türkiye Parazitol Derg 25 (3), 236-238, 1993 | 16 | 1993 |
Bir Visseral Leishmaniasis Olgusu YA Öner, N Sahip, C Keskin, A Palandüz Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 27 (3), 176-78, 2003 | 7 | 2003 |
Parasitological findings in 15714 stool samples between the years 1997-2001 at the Parasitology Department of the Istanbul Medical Faculty. YA Öner, N Sahip, H Uysal, E Büget | 2 | 2002 |
İstanbul’da ilk kez saptanan hymenolepiosis diminuta olgusu AY Öner, N Sahip, E Büget Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 26 (4), 406-408, 2002 | 2 | 2002 |
The first report of Hymenolepis diminuta infection in Istanbul. YA Öner, N Sahip, E Büget | 1 | 2002 |
A case of visceral leishmaniasis. YA Öner, N Sahİp, C Keskİn, A Palandüz | | 2003 |
The results of examination of 70 specimens for the detection of Pneumocystis carinii at Istanbul Medical Faculty in 1997-2001. YA Öner, N Sahİp, H Uysal, E Büget | | 2002 |
Serological results of cases with a presumptive diagnosis of hydatid cyst in the Istanbul Medical Faculty during 1993-2000. N Sahİp, H Uysal, A Öztoprak, T Öğüt, G Șengür, YA Öner, ÖB Boral, ... | | 2001 |