Chandra Muller
Chandra Muller
Professor of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin
在 austin.utexas.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
A national experiment reveals where a growth mindset improves achievement
DS Yeager, P Hanselman, GM Walton, JS Murray, R Crosnoe, C Muller, ...
Nature 573 (7774), 364-369, 2019
The more things change, the more they stay the same? Prior achievement fails to explain gender inequality in entry into STEM college majors over time
C Riegle-Crumb, B King, E Grodsky, C Muller
American Educational Research Journal 49 (6), 1048-1073, 2012
Gender differences in parental involvement and adolescents' mathematics achievement
C Muller
Sociology of Education, 336-356, 1998
The role of caring in the teacher‐student relationship for at‐risk students
C Muller
Sociological inquiry 71 (2), 241-255, 2001
Gendered organizations in the new economy
CL Williams, C Muller, K Kilanski
Gender & Society 26 (4), 549-573, 2012
Parent involvement and academic achievement: An analysis of family resources available to the child
C Muller
Parents, their children, and schools, 77-114, 2018
Maternal employment, parent involvement, and mathematics achievement among adolescents
C Muller
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 85-100, 1995
Academic achievement and course taking among language minority youth in US schools: Effects of ESL placement
R Callahan, L Wilkinson, C Muller
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 32 (1), 84-117, 2010
Religious involvement, social capital, and adolescents' academic progress: Evidence from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988
C Muller, CG Ellison
Sociological focus 34 (2), 155-183, 2001
Disproportionality and learning disabilities: Parsing apart race, socioeconomic status, and language
D Shifrer, C Muller, R Callahan
Journal of learning disabilities 44 (3), 246-257, 2011
Parent involvement in the home, school, and community
C Muller, D Kerbow
Parents, their children, and schools, 13-42, 2018
Body mass index, academic achievement, and school context: examining the educational experiences of adolescents at risk of obesity
R Crosnoe, C Muller
Journal of health and social behavior 45 (4), 393-407, 2004
Academic failure in secondary school: The inter-related role of health problems and educational context
BL Needham, R Crosnoe, C Muller
Social problems 51 (4), 569-586, 2004
The social dynamics of mathematics coursetaking in high school
KA Frank, C Muller, KS Schiller, C Riegle-Crumb, AS Mueller, R Crosnoe, ...
American journal of sociology 113 (6), 1645-1696, 2008
The role of gender and friendship in advanced course taking
C Riegle-Crumb, G Farkas, C Muller
Sociology of education 79 (3), 206-228, 2006
Investing in teaching and learning: Dynamics of the teacher-student relationship from each actor’s perspective
C Muller, SR Katz, LJ Dance
Urban education 34 (3), 292-337, 1999
Adolescent same-sex attraction and academic outcomes: The role of school attachment and engagement
J Pearson, C Muller, L Wilkinson
Social problems 54 (4), 523-542, 2007
Peer group contexts of girls’ and boys’ academic experiences
R Crosnoe, C Riegle‐Crumb, S Field, K Frank, C Muller
Child development 79 (1), 139-155, 2008
Of sex and romance: Late adolescent relationships and young adult union formation
RK Raley, S Crissey, C Muller
Journal of Marriage and Family 69 (5), 1210-1226, 2007
Parental involvement, family structure, and adolescent sexual decision making
J Pearson, C Muller, ML Frisco
Sociological Perspectives 49 (1), 67-90, 2006
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