Krishna Gopal Dhal
Krishna Gopal Dhal
Midnapore College (Autonomous)
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A Survey on Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms and Their Application in Image Enhancement Domain
KG Dhal, S Ray, A Das, S Das
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-32, 2018
Histogram Equalization Variants as Optimization Problems: A Review
KG Dhal, A Das, S Ray, J Gálvez, S Das
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 28 (3), 1-26, 2020
Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms and Their Application in Multi-Thresholding Image Segmentation
KG Dhal, A Das, S Ray, J Gálvez, S Das
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-34, 2019
Randomly Attracted Rough Firefly Algorithm for histogram based fuzzy image clustering
KG Dhal, A Das, S Ray, J Gálvez
Knowledge-Based Systems, 10.1016/j.knosys.2021.106814, 2021
Entropy-based imagery segmentation for breast histology using the Stochastic Fractal Search
S Hinojosa, KG Dhal, MA Elaziz, D Oliva, E Cuevas
Neurocomputing, DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2018.09.034, 2018
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia image segmentation driven by stochastic fractal search
KG Dhal, J Galvez, S Ray, A Das, S Das
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020
Development of firefly algorithm via chaotic sequence and population diversity to enhance the image contrast
KG Dhal, MI Quraishi, S Das
Natural Computing 14, 1-12, 2015
A Chaotic Lévy flight Approach in Bat and Firefly Algorithm for Gray level image Enhancement
KG Dhal, MI Quraishi, S Das
I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 7 (7), 69-76, 2015
Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms and Their significance in Multi-Thresholding Image Segmentation: An Inclusive Review
R Rai, A Das, KG Dhal
Evolving Systems, 10.1007/s12530-022-09425-5, 2022
A Clustering Based Classification Approach Based on Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm
KG Dhal, S Ray, A Das, S Das
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 29 (3), 344-359, 2019
Hue-Preserving and Gamut Problem-Free Histopathology Image Enhancement
KG Dhal, S Ray, S Das, A Biswas, S Ghosh
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical …, 2019
A dynamically adapted and weighted Bat algorithm in image enhancement domain
KG Dhal, S Das
Evolving Systems, DOI10.1007/s12530-018-9216-1, 2018
An efficient block-level image encryption scheme based on multi-chaotic maps with DNA encoding
PK Naskar, S Bhattacharyya, KC Mahatab, KG Dhal, A Chaudhuri
Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021
Performance analysis of chaotic Lévy bat algorithm and chaotic cuckoo search algorithm for gray level image enhancement
KG Dhal, M Iqbal Quraishi, S Das
Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications: Proceedings of …, 2015
A Comprehensive Survey on Aquila Optimizer
B Sasmal, AG Hussein, A Das, KG Dhal
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2023
Cauchy with whale optimizer based eagle strategy for multi-level color hematology image segmentation
S Ray, A Das, KG Dhal, J Galvez, PK Naskar
Neural Computing and Applications, 2020
Toward the modification of flower pollination algorithm in clustering-based image segmentation
KG Dhal, J Galvez, S Das
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-19, 2019
Cuckoo search with search strategies and proper objective function for brightness preserving image enhancement
KG Dhal, S Das
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 27 (4), 695-712, 2017
An improved cuckoo search based optimal ranged brightness preserved histogram equalization and contrast stretching method
KG Dhal, MI Quraishi, S Das
International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR) 8 (1), 1-29, 2017
Human-Inspired Optimization Algorithms: Theoretical Foundations, Algorithms, Open-Research Issues and Application for Multi-level Thresholding
R Rai, A Das, S Ray, KG Dhal
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2022
文章 1–20