Two worlds in the Tennessee mountains: Exploring the origins of Appalachian stereotypes DC Hsiung University Press of Kentucky, 2014 | 121 | 2014 |
How Isolated Was Appalachia? Upper East Tennessee, 1780-1835 DC Hsiung Appalachian Journal 16 (4), 336-349, 1989 | 28 | 1989 |
Stereotypes DC Hsiung High mountains rising: Appalachia in time and place, 101-113, 2004 | 15 | 2004 |
Freedom songs and the modern civil rights movement DC Hsiung OAH Magazine of History 19 (4), 23-26, 2005 | 14 | 2005 |
Food, Fuel, and the New England Environment in the War for Independence, 1775–1776 DC Hsiung The New England Quarterly 80 (4), 614-654, 2007 | 13 | 2007 |
Geographic determinism and possibilism: Interpretations of the Appalachian environment and culture in the last century DC Hsiung Journal of the Appalachian Studies Association 4, 14-23, 1992 | 8 | 1992 |
Isolation and integration in upper East Tennessee, 1780-1860: the historical origins of Appalachian characterizations DC Hsiung University of Michigan, 1991 | 8 | 1991 |
Death on the Juniata: Delawares, Iroquois, and Pennsylvanians in a Colonial Whodunit DC Hsiung Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 65 (4), 445-477, 1998 | 4 | 1998 |
EnvironmEntal HistoriEs of tHE mid-atlantic: an introduction A Dieterich-Ward, DC Hsiung Pennsylvania History 79 (4), 327-330, 2012 | | 2012 |
Seekers of Scenery: Travel Writing from Southern Appalachia, 1840-1900 DC Hsiung Journal of Appalachian Studies 12 (1), 191-192, 2006 | | 2006 |
Border Life: Experience and Memory in the Revolutionary Ohio Valley DC Hsiung Journal of Appalachian Studies 4 (2), 321-322, 1998 | | 1998 |
Diversity and Accommodation: Essays on the Cultural Composition of the Virginia Frontier CH DAVID Appalachian Journal 25 (2), 183-186, 1998 | | 1998 |
Letters [with Response] P SALSTROM, DC HSIUNG, WA DUNAWAY Appalachian Journal, 4-7, 1997 | | 1997 |
Author's response to Wilma Dunaway's review of his' Two Worlds in the Tennessee Mountains, Exploring the Origins of Appalachian Stereotypes' DC Hsiung APPALACHIAN JOURNAL 25 (1), 5-7, 1997 | | 1997 |
Appalachian Frontiers: Settlement, Society, & Development in the Preindustrial Era CH DAVID Appalachian Journal 19 (4), 435-440, 1992 | | 1992 |
I" Seeing” Early,/lppafacliian [bmmunities tfirougfi tfie Lenses of DC Hsiung | | |
_ “Seeing” 8arl: y,/lppafacliian fommunities tfirougfi the Lenses of DC Hsiung | | |