Milton Percy Plasencia Linares
Milton Percy Plasencia Linares
OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale
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Seismic monitoring of an underground natural gas storage facility: The Collalto Seismic Network
E Priolo, M Romanelli, MP Plasencia Linares, M Garbin, L Peruzza, ...
Seismological Research Letters 86 (1), 109-123, 2015
Acquiring, archiving, analyzing and exchanging seismic data in real time at the Seismological Research Center of the OGS in Italy
A Saraò, D Pesaresi, PL Bragato, P Di Bartolomeo, MP Plasencia Linares
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, 2010
Local and regional seismicity from Ushuaia broad-band station observations (Tierra del Fuego).
JM Febrer, MP Plasencia Linares, NC Sabbione
Terra Antarctica 8 (2), 35-40, 2001
The OGS–Northeastern Italy seismic and deformation network: Current status and outlook
PL Bragato, P Comelli, A Saraò, D Zuliani, L Moratto, V Poggi, G Rossi, ...
Seismological Research Letters 92 (3), 1704-1716, 2021
On the simulation of seismograms in a viscoelastic Earth by pseudospectral methods.
JM Carcione, HB Helle, G Seriani, MP Plasencia Linares
Geofisica International 44 (2), 123-142, 2005
Massive earthquake swarm driven by magmatic intrusion at the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
S Cesca, M Sugan, Ł Rudzinski, S Vajedian, P Niemz, S Plank, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 89, 2022
P-wave velocity structure beneath the northern Antarctic peninsula: evidence of a steeply sub ducting slab and a deep-rooted low-velocity anomaly beneath the central Bransfield …
Y Park, KH Kim, J Lee, HJ Yoo, MP Plasencia Linares
Geophysical Journal International, 2012
Matched-filter detection of the missing pre-mainshock events and aftershocks in the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake sequence
H Huang, L Meng, M Plasencia, Y Wang, L Wang, M Xu
Tectonophysics 714, 71-81, 2017
A reappraisal of surface wave group velocity tomography in the Subantarctic Scotia Sea and surrounding ridges
A Vuan, M Sugan, MP Plasencia Linares
Global and Planetary Change 123, 223-238, 2014
Rete di rilevamento sismico finalizzata al monitoraggio della sismicità naturale e microsismicità indotta presso la concessione di stoccaggio gas metano denominata“Collalto …
E Priolo, M Romanelli, M Plasencia, M Garbin, P Bernardi, D Zuliani, ...
Relazione OGS, 2012
The Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network and the progress in the study of structural properties and stress conditions in the Scotia Sea region
M Guidarelli, M Russi, MP Plasencia Linares, GF Panza
Terra Antartica Reports 9, 25-34, 2003
The Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean-Italian Network: technical development and scientific research from 1992 to 2009
M Russi, JM Febrer, MP Plasencia Linares
Bolletino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 51 (1), 23-41, 2010
Lithospheric characteristics and seismic sources in the SCOTIA ARC through waveform inversion.
MP Plasencia Linares
Università degli studi di Trieste, 2008
OGS improvements in the year 2011 in running the North- eastern Italy Seismic Network
PL Bragato, D Pesaresi, A Sarao, P Di Bartolomeo, MP Plasencia Linares, ...
EGU Geophysical research Abstracts 14, 2012
An augmented seismic network to study off-shore seismicity around the Maltese Islands: The FASTMIT experiment
G Bozionelos, P Galea, S D’Amico, MP Plasencia Linares, M Romanelli, ...
Malta Chamber of Scientists, 2019
Regione Veneto-Gestione della rete di controllo sismico, studio della sismicità regionale e ricerca sismologica a fini di protezione civile-Anno 2016
PL Bragato, M Sugan, A Snidarcig, S Urban, C Barnaba, P Bernardi, ...
Further developments of the ASAIN network in Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego.
M Russi, MP Plasencia Linares, M Guidarelli
Bolletino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 45 (2), 2004
The Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network (ASAIN): Recording Earthquakes in the Scotia Sea Region
MP Plasencia Linares, C Cravos, R Laterza, P Bernardi, P Comelli, ...
Seismological Society of America 92 (5), 2748-2757, 2021
High-sensitivity seismic monitoring of the Collalto gas storage (Northern Italy) shows no induced seismicity
M Romano, E Priolo, M Garbin, M Romanelli, M Plasencia Linares, ...
35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 2016
Regione Veneto-Gestione della rete di controllo sismico, studio della sismicità regionale e ricerca sismologica a fini di protezione civile Anno 2011
C Barnaba, P Bernardi, P Bertoni, G Bressan, PL Bragato, P Comelli, ...
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