Mathilde Forestier
Mathilde Forestier
PhD in Computer Science
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Roles in social networks: Methodologies and research issues
M Forestier, A Stavrianou, J Velcin, DA Zighed
Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An international Journal 10 (1), 117-133, 2012
Extracting social networks to understand interaction
M Forestier, J Velcin, D Zighed
2011 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and …, 2011
Generating multidimensional social network to simulate the propagation of information
M Forestier, JY Bergier, Y Bouanan, J Ribault, G Zacharewicz, B Vallespir, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in …, 2015
Extracting celebrities from online discussions
M Forestier, J Velcin, A Stavrianou, D Zighed
2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2012
Simulating information diffusion in a multidimensional social network using the DEVS formalism (WIP).
Y Bouanan, M Forestier, J Ribault, G Zacharewicz, B Vallespir, N Moalla
SpringSim (TMS-DEVS), 63-68, 2015
Modeling and simulation of human reaction in a multidimensional social network
Y Bouanan, J Ribault, M Forestier, G Zacharewicz, B Vallespir
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (3), 592-597, 2015
Capturing sub-Saharan African sociality in social networks to generate a culturally realistic population
C Faucher, JY Bergier, M Forestier
2015 International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture Computing …, 2015
Analyzing social roles using enriched social network on on-line sub-communities
M Forestier, J Velcin, DA Zighed
International conference on digital society, IEEE, 17-22, 2012
Extracting social networks enriched by using text
M Forestier, J Velcin, D Zighed
International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 140-145, 2011
Generating Multidimensional Social Network to simulate the dissemination of information
M Forestier, JY Bergier, Y Bouanan
MANEM@ ASONAM, 2015, International Workshop on Multiplex & Attributed …, 2015
Un cadre formel pour la veille numérique sur la presse en ligne
M Forestier, J Velcin, JG Ganascia
Atelier Veille Numérique (EGC-VN 09), 2009
Diffusion process in a multi-dimension networks: generating, modelling, and simulation
Y Bouanan, M Forestier, J Ribault, G Zacharewicz, B Vallespir
Prediction and Inference from Social Networks and Social Media, 199-225, 2017
Devs-based framework for message dissemination in multi-layer networks
Y Bouanan, M Forestier, J Ribault, G Zacharewicz, B Vallespir
International multidisciplinary modeling & Simulation multiconference, 2015
Fouille de discussions pour l’identification de rôles sociaux
M Forestier, J Velcin, D Zighed
REiSO 2010, 59, 2010
Modeling and simulation of influence of informal communication in organizations
Y Bouanan, J Ribault, M Forestier, G Zacharewicz, B Vallespir
The 2015 IFAC Symposium on Information Control in Manufacturing, 2015
L. Yilmaz, W. K V. Chan, I. Moon, TMK Roeder, C. Macal, and MD Rossetti, eds.
Y Bouanan, J Ribault, M Forestier, G Zacharewicz, B Vallespir
The 7th International Workshop on Mining and Analyzing Social Networks for Decision Support (MSNDS 2016) MSNDS 2016 Organizing Committee
IH Ting, MY Day, MT Wu, R Alfred, CC Chan, M Forestier, F IMS-Bordeaux, ...
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