Seok-Ho Chang
Seok-Ho Chang
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Chernoff-type bounds for the Gaussian error function
SH Chang, PC Cosman, LB Milstein
IEEE Transactions on Communications 59 (11), 2939-2944, 2011
Review of 5G NTN standards development and technical challenges for satellite integration with the 5G network
M Hosseinian, JP Choi, SH Chang, J Lee
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 36 (8), 22-31, 2021
Optimized unequal error protection using multiplexed hierarchical modulation
SH Chang, M Rim, PC Cosman, LB Milstein
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 (9), 5816-5840, 2012
Downlink Pilot Reduction for Massive MIMO Systems via Compressed Sensing
JW Choi, B Shim, SH Chang
Communications Letters, IEEE, 2015
Superposition MIMO coding for the broadcast of layered sources
SH Chang, M Rim, PC Cosman, LB Milstein
IEEE transactions on communications 59 (12), 3240-3248, 2011
Iterative channel decoding of FEC-based multiple-description codes
SH Chang, PC Cosman, LB Milstein
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (3), 1138-1152, 2011
Optimal transmission of progressive sources based on the error probability analysis of SM and OSTBC
SH Chang, PC Cosman, LB Milstein
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 63 (1), 94-106, 2013
Cross-layer routing and scheduling for onboard processing satellites with phased array antenna
JP Choi, SH Chang, VWS Chan
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 16 (1), 180-192, 2016
Performance Analysis of -Channel Symmetric FEC-Based Multiple Description Coding for OFDM Networks
SH Chang, PC Cosman, LB Milstein
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 20 (4), 1061-1076, 2010
Optimization of multimedia progressive transmission over MIMO channels
SH Chang, JP Choi, PC Cosman, LB Milstein
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (3), 1244-1260, 2015
Analysis of blind frame recognition and synchronization based on sync word periodicity
YS Kil, H Lee, SH Kim, SH Chang
IEEE Access 8, 147516-147532, 2020
Study on coverage of full frequency reuse in FFR systems based on outage probability
SH Chang, HG Park, SH Kim, JP Choi
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (11), 5828-5843, 2018
Scalable source transmission with unequal frequency reuse in MIMO cellular networks
SH Chang, HG Park, JW Choi, JP Choi
IEEE Transactions on Communications 65 (10), 4188-4204, 2017
Dual-Hop Variable-Gain AF Relaying with Beamforming over k-µ Shadowed Fading Channels
A Hussain, SH Kim, SH Chang
2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2016
The optimal distance threshold for fractional frequency reuse in size-scalable networks
SH Chang, SH Kim, JP Choi
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56 (1), 527-546, 2019
Optimal multiplexed hierarchical modulation for unequal error protection of progressive bit streams
SH Chang, M Rim, PC Cosman, LB Milstein
GLOBECOM 2009-2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1-6, 2009
Joint Source, Channel, and Space-Time Coding of Progressive Bitstream in MIMO Channels
SH Chang, M Shin, SH Kim
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (4), 2551-2565, 2019
Performance analysis of dual‐hop variable‐gain relaying with beamforming over κμ fading channels
A Hussain, K Lee, SH Kim, SH Chang, DI Kim
IET Communications 11 (10), 1587-1593, 2017
Optimization of Scalable Broadcast for a Large Number of Antennas
SH Chang, JP Choi, PC Cosman, LB Milstein
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2015
Nonlinear energy‐harvesting relaying with beamforming and hardware impairments in κμ shadowed fading environment
A Hussain, SH Kim, SH Chang
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 29 (6), e3303, 2018
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