Amy V. Uhrin
Amy V. Uhrin
Research Ecologist, NOAA
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Effects of propeller scarring on macrofaunal use of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum
AV Uhrin, JG Holmquist
Marine Ecology Progress Series 250, 61-70, 2003
Marine debris impacts to a tidal fringing-marsh in North Carolina
AV Uhrin, J Schellinger
Marine pollution bulletin 62 (12), 2605-2610, 2011
Lobster trap debris in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: distribution, abundance, density, and patterns of accumulation
AV Uhrin, TR Matthews, C Lewis
Marine and Coastal Fisheries 6 (1), 20-32, 2014
Effect of Caribbean spiny lobster traps on seagrass beds of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: damage assessment and evaluation of recovery
AV Uhrin, MS Fonseca, GP DiDomenico
American Fisheries Society Symposium 41, 579, 2005
Physical drivers of seagrass spatial configuration: the role of thresholds
AV Uhrin, MG Turner
Landscape Ecology 33, 2253-2272, 2018
Improved seagrass mapping using linear spectral unmixing of aerial photographs
AV Uhrin, PA Townsend
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 171, 11-22, 2016
Survival and expansion of mechanically transplanted seagrass sods
AV Uhrin, MO Hall, MF Merello, MS Fonseca
Restoration Ecology 17 (3), 359-368, 2009
Understanding uncertainty in seagrass injury recovery: an information‐theoretic approach
AV Uhrin, WJ Kenworthy, MS Fonseca
Ecological Applications 21 (4), 1365-1379, 2011
Microplastics in Invasive Freshwater Mussels (Dreissena sp.): Spatiotemporal Variation and Occurrence With Chemical Contaminants
T Hoellein, C Rovegno, AV Uhrin, E Johnson, C Herring
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 690401, 2021
The status of eelgrass, Zostera marina, as bay scallop habitat: consequences for the fishery in the Western Atlantic
MS Fonseca, AV Uhrin
Tropical cyclones, derelict traps, and the future of the Florida Keys commercial spiny lobster fishery
AV Uhrin
Marine Policy 69, 84-91, 2016
Temporal trends and potential drivers of stranded marine debris on beaches within two US national marine sanctuaries using citizen science data
AV Uhrin, S Lippiatt, CE Herring, K Dettloff, K Bimrose, C Butler-Minor
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 604927, 2020
NOAA Marine debris monitoring and assessment project shoreline survey guide
H Burgess, C Herring, S Lippiatt, S Lowe, AV Uhrin
Relative abundance of derelict fishing gear in the Hawaii-based pelagic longline fishery grounds as estimated from fishery observer data
AV Uhrin, WA Walsh, J Brodziak
Scientific reports 10 (1), 7767, 2020
Self righting in the free-living coral Manicina areolata (Cnidaria: Scleractinia): morphological constraints
AV Uhrin, CL Slade, JG Holmquist
Caribbean Journal of Science 41 (2), 277-282, 2005
Towards a North Pacific long-term monitoring program for ocean plastic pollution: A systematic review and recommendations for shorelines
AV Uhrin, S Hong, HK Burgess, S Lim, K Dettloff
Environmental Pollution 310, 119862, 2022
Lobster trap debris in the Florida Keys national marine sanctuary: distribution, abundance, density and patterns of accumulation. Mar. Coast Fish. 2014; 6: 20–32
AV Uhrin, TR Matthews, C Lewis
Lobster trap loss, ghost fishing, and impact on natural resources in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
TR Matthews, AV Uhrin, S Morison, P Murphy
Proceedings of the NOAA Submerged Derelict Trap Methodology Detection …, 2009
An ether-based peptide analog as c-AMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor/substrate
M Ho, A Uhrin, M Huang
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 4 (4), 553-556, 1994
Preliminary comparison of natural versus model-predicted recovery of vessel-generated seagrass injuries in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
AV Uhrin, MS Fonseca, WJ Kenworthy
NOAA/National Ocean Service, 2009
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