Towards reconciliation: 10 Calls to Action to natural scientists working in Canada C Wong, K Ballegooyen, L Ignace, MJ Johnson, H Swanson FACETS 5 (1), 769-783, 2020 | 151 | 2020 |
Errors in estimating tree age: implications for studies of stand dynamics CM Wong, KP Lertzman Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31 (7), 1262-1271, 2001 | 114 | 2001 |
Mixed-severity fire regimes in dry forests of southern interior British Columbia, Canada EK Heyerdahl, K Lertzman, CM Wong Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42 (1), 88-98, 2011 | 87 | 2011 |
Novel forest decline triggered by multiple interactions among climate, an introduced pathogen and bark beetles CM Wong, LD Daniels Global change biology 23 (5), 1926-1941, 2017 | 84 | 2017 |
Estimating historical variability of natural disturbances in British Columbia C Wong, B Dorner, H Sandmann Ministry of Forests, Forest Science Program, 2003 | 46 | 2003 |
Range of natural variability: Applying the concept to forest management in central British Columbia C Wong, K Iverson Journal of Ecosystems and Management 4 (1), 2004 | 40 | 2004 |
Historical variability of natural disturbances in British Columbia: A literature review C Wong, B Dorner, H Sandmann FORREX, 2004 | 24 | 2004 |
Logging off: Mechanisms to stop or prevent industrial logging in forests of high conservation value T Gullison, M Melnyk, C Wong Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists 81p. En deforestation (EBBD …, 2001 | 23 | 2001 |
Past fire regimes in the Interior Douglas-fir, dry cool subzone, Fraser variant (idfdk3) KE Iverson, RW Gray, BA Blackwell, C Wong, KL MacKenzie Final Report to the Innovative Forest Practices Agreement (ifpa), Lignum Ltd …, 2002 | 19 | 2002 |
Memories of natural disturbances in ponderosa pine–Douglas-fir age structure, southwestern British Columbia CM Wong Simon Fraser University, 1999 | 18 | 1999 |
Disturbance ecology of high-elevation five-needle pine ecosystems in western North America EM Campbell, RE Keane, ER Larson, MP Murray, AW Schoettle, C Wong The future of high-elevation, five-needle white pines in Western North …, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
Understanding disturbance, facilitation, and competition for conservation of whitebark pine in the Canadian Rockies CM Wong University of British Columbia, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
Evolution of the 2014 Vulcan Creek landslide-dammed lake, Yukon, Canada, using field and remote survey techniques MA Brideau, DH Shugar, AR Bevington, MJ Willis, C Wong Landslides, 1-18, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Comparison of current and historic stand structure in two IDFdm2 sites in the Rocky Mountain Trench RW Gray, E Riccius, C Wong, D Gayton BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management. In preparation, 2003 | 10 | 2003 |
Genotyping-in-Thousands by sequencing of archival fish scales reveals maintenance of genetic variation following a severe demographic contraction in kokanee salmon C Setzke, C Wong, MA Russello Scientific Reports 11, 22798, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Genome-wide assessment of kokanee salmon stock diversity, population history and hatchery representation at the northern range margin C Setzke, C Wong, MA Russello Conservation Genetics 23, 243-253, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Pilot modelling of past fire dynamics in the IDF S Cumming, C Wong Lignum Innovative Forest Practices Agreement Report, Lignum Ltd., Williams …, 2002 | 5 | 2002 |
Pathogens, invasive species, and prognosis for the future KJ Lewis, C Welsh, CM Wong, JH Speer Dendroecology, 257-277, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Characterizing the range of natural variability in dead wood in the IDFdk3 S Cumming, C Wong | 1 | 2003 |
Range of natural variability: What does it mean for sustainable forest management C Drever, C Wong Ecoforestry 17, 11-12, 2002 | 1 | 2002 |