Universitas Ma Chung
在 machung.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Pemberdayaan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Melalui Implementasi E-Commerce di Kelurahan Tlogomas
Irawan, PL Tirma, KR Prilianti, Melany
Jurnal SOLMA 9 (1), 33-44, 2020
The role of local government in improving resilience and performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia
SYM Taneo, S Noya, M Melany, EA SETIYATI
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 9 (3), 245-256, 2022
Perancangan multimedia interaktif pengenalan DKV ma chung sebagai upaya meningkatkan brand equity
SA Rahmadianto, M Melany
ANDHARUPA J. Desain Komun. Vis. Multimed 4 (02), 130-142, 2018
Possibility of astronomical phenomena to be used to support tourism industry
C Kunjaya, Melany, AA Sukmaraga, T Arsono
Journal of Physics 1231 (012025), 1-8, 2018
Constraints of small and medium food industry to take advantage of domestic market opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic
SYM Taneo, S Noya, EA Setiyati
KnE Social Sciences, 535–546-535–546, 2021
Kajian estetik topeng malangan (studi kasus di sanggar asmorobangun, desa Kedungmonggo, Kec. Pakisaji, kab. Malang)
A Nirwana
Imaji 13 (2), 2015
Program kemitraan masyarakat stimulus jajanan sehat pada TK/PAUD Kosayu Malang
A Triwijayati, M Melany, FSWW Broto, LL Wilujeng, DP Nugroho, ...
International Journal of Community Service Learning 4 (2), 98-108, 2020
Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Minuman IKM melalui Pengendalian Proses Produksi dan Higienitas
S Noya, SYM Taneo
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas 2 (01), 13-22, 2022
Impact of consumer innovativeness on risk and new product adoption: a moderating role of Indonesia’s demographic factors
DW Anna Triwijayati, Melany
Business Perspectives 16 (#4), 48-61, 2020
Triple Helix Innovation Ecosystem: The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises Community in Enhancing Performance
S Noya, SYM Taneo, M Melany
Quality Innovation Prosperity 27 (1), 46-61, 2023
Perancangan Industri Jasa Laundry Di Surabaya Selatan
M Melany, S Suhartono, ME Sianto
Widya Teknik 9 (1), 100-110, 2010
Pemberdayaan Kelompok Masyarakat melalui Usaha Keripik Pisang di Desa Tegalweru, Kecamatan Dau, Malang
Y Yuniati, Melany, KR Prilianti, R Alfanaar
Jurnal Akses Pengabdian Indonesia 5 (1), 1-6, 2020
Disruptive Innovation-Based Model of Sustainable CompetitivenessDevelopment in Small and Medium Food Industries
SYM Taneo, S Noya, EA Setiyati, Melany
MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Strategi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan 13 (2), 153-163, 2019
The Role of Social Class vs Income in The Purchase of Consumer Products in Jawa Timur
A Triwijayati, Melany, D Wijayanti, DB PRadipta
Wacana 22 (4), 305-316, 2019
Perumusan Strategi Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Topeng Malangan
S Noya, K Hidayat, M Melany
Jurnal Teknik Industri 15 (1), 19-34, 2014
The moderating influence of government policy on the innovation capability-competitiveness relationship in food SMES
SYM Taneo, M Agustina, S Noya
Journal of technology management & innovation 18 (2), 6-17, 2023
Consumer Values Shifting in Cross Generation Javanese Consumers in Indonesia: Do Young Consumers Still Uphold Local Wisdom?
A Triwijayati, D Wijayanti, EA Setiyati, TD Harsoyo
Journal of Population & Social Studies 30, 2022
Training and assistance for the creative team of Kucur Village to promote village potential through social media
WE Yulianto, M Melany, A Nirwana
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang 7 (4), 802-813, 2022
The effect of demographic factors on Indonesian consumers’ choice of investment products
A Triwijayati, M Melany, D Wijayanti
Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020–Economic …, 2020
Peningkatan Kreativitas Dan Produktivitas Kegiatan Membatik Di Kelurahan Tlogomas Malang
M Agustina, A Handaratri, KR Prilianti, SA Rahmadianto
JAST: Jurnal Aplikasi Sains dan Teknologi 1 (2), 1-5, 2017
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