Predictive value of fine needle aspiration biopsy of axillary lymph nodes in preoperative breast cancer staging M Akıncı, SP Bulut, F Erözgen, M Gürbüzel, G Gülşen, A Kocakuşak, ... Turkish Journal of Surgery/Ulusal cerrahi dergisi 32 (3), 191, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Cinical significance of androgen receptor, CK-5/6, KI-67 and molecular subtypes in breast cancer M Kayahan, UO İdiz, Z Gucin, F Erözgen, N Memmi, M Müslümanoğlu The Journal of Breast Health 10 (4), 201, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
The predictive value of elastography in thyroid nodules and its comparison with fine-needle aspiration biopsy results MC Kızılkaya, F Erözgen, M Akıncı, R Kaplan, S Tüzün, G Çıtlak Turkish Journal of Surgery/Ulusal cerrahi dergisi 30 (3), 147, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Mastalgia in Daily Practice. MC Kızılkaya, F Erözgen, A Kocakuşak, C Tatar, M Akıncı, S Tüzün, ... Meme Sagligi Dergisi/Journal of Breast Health 9 (4), 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
Patients with perforated peptic ulcers: risk factors for morbidity and mortality F Ciftci, F Erözgen International Surgery 103 (11-12), 578-584, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Surgical Approach to Breast Hamartoma and the Diagnostic Accuracy in Preoperative Biopsies. C Tatar, F Erözgen, S Tüzün, T Karşıdağ, E Yılmaz, H Aydın, C Kızılkaya, ... Meme Sagligi Dergisi/Journal of Breast Health 9 (4), 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Management of iatrogenic colonic perforations related to colonoscopic examination G Baş, İ Okan, F Erözgen, R Eryılmaz, O Alimoğlu, A Işık, OV Özkan, ... Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease 19 (3), 122-128, 2009 | 8 | 2009 |
Medical image. Metal bezoar. R Kaplan, F Celebi, D Güzey, AS Celik, F Erözgen, N Firat The New Zealand medical journal 118 (1219), U1588-U1588, 2005 | 8 | 2005 |
The place of ultrasonography and alvarado scoring system in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis HÜ Gür, C Görmüş, G Çıtlak, S Yüksel, E Ferlengez, F Erözgen Haseki Tip Bulteni 57 (2), 135, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Mastitler. F Erözgen, MC Kızılkaya, G Çıtlak Medical Bulletin of Haseki/Haseki Tip Bulteni 52 (3), 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
Erkek meme kanserinde prevalans ve klinik deneyimlerimiz C Tatar, F Erözgen, M Akıncı, S Benek, C Kızılkaya Med. Bull. Haseki 51, 99-101, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
Missed closed degloving injury of the sacro-gluteal region S Sönmez Ergün, F Erözgen, OC Akdemir, S Ziyade, S İçten, Ü Egeli European Journal of Plastic Surgery 33, 41-44, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Treatment Approaches to Recurrent Phyllodes Tumors of the Breast F Erozgen, A Kocakusak, C Kizilkaya, K Altundal, M Akinci, A Hut, ... HASEKI TIP BULTENI-MEDICAL BULLETIN OF HASEKI 50 (2), 43-47, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
Breast cancer recurrence in initially clinically node-positive patients undergoing sentinel lymph node biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the NEOSENTITURK-trials MF18-02 … N Cabioglu, H Karanlik, A Igci, M Muslumanoglu, MA Gulcelik, C Uras, ... Annals of Surgical Oncology 32 (2), 952-966, 2025 | 2 | 2025 |
Is Morbidity High in Completion Thyroidectomy? HÜ Gür, C Madenci, G Çıtlak, S Yüksel, E Ferlengez, F Erözgen Haseki Tip Bulteni 57 (1), 69, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Male breast cancer associated with Paget’s Disease: A case report T İkizceli, G Gülşen, A İnsan, Y Savaş, F Erözgen Medical Bulletin of Haseki 56, 235-7, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
The ever-changing configuration of the completion thyroidectomy in the last decade S Benek, A Kocakusak, B Özer, MC Kizilkaya, F Erözgen, F Ciftci, H Aydin, ... Haseki Tip Bulteni 53 (3), 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
Comparison of partial cystectomy and tube drainage technique with other surgical methods in hydatid cysts of the liver B Özer, A Kocakuşak, S Benek, O Güngörür, F Erözgen, H Aydın Med Bull Haseki 52, 287-290, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
Benign ve malign dalak hastalıklarında cerrahi splenektomi endikasyonları ve minimal invaziv cerrahinin yeri F Erözgen, S Benek, MC Kızılkaya, A Koyuncu, M Ayer, YE Ersoy, ... | 2 | 2013 |
Farklı kolon temizligi rejimlerinin alt gastrointestinal sistem endoskopisi başarısı üzerine etkisi F Erözgen, G Baş, M Akaydın, YE Ersoy, N Memmi, F Çelebi, D Güzey, ... | 2 | 2011 |