Ary Santos-Pinto
Ary Santos-Pinto
Prof. Dr. Depart. Clínica Infantil - Ortodontia, Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - Unesp
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Morphological and positional asymmetries of young children with functional unilateral posterior crossbite
AS Pinto, PH Buschang, GS Throckmorton, P Chen
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 120 (5), 513-520, 2001
Esthetic influence of negative space in the buccal corridor during smiling
DE Ritter, LG Gandini Jr, AS Pinto, A Locks
The Angle Orthodontist 76 (2), 198-203, 2006
Upper lip changes correlated to maxillary incisor retraction—a metallic implant study
AL Ramos, M Tatsuei Sakima, A dos Santos Pinto, SJ Bowman
The Angle Orthodontist 75 (4), 499-505, 2005
Condylar growth and glenoid fossa displacement during childhood and adolescence
PH Buschang, A Santos-Pinto
American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics 113 (4), 437-442, 1998
Changes in the masticatory cycle following treatment of posterior unilateral crossbite in children
GS Throckmorton, PH Buschang, H Hayasaki, AS Pinto
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 120 (5), 521-529, 2001
Maxillo-mandibular counter-clockwise rotation and mandibular advancement with TMJ Concepts® total joint prostheses: Part I-Skeletal and dental stability
KED Coleta, LM Wolford, JR Gonçalves, A dos Santos Pinto, LP Pinto, ...
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 38 (2), 126-138, 2009
Postsurgical stability of counterclockwise maxillomandibular advancement surgery: affect of articular disc repositioning
JR Gonçalves, DS Cassano, LM Wolford, A Santos-Pinto, IM Márquez
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 66 (4), 724-738, 2008
Analysis of the smile photograph
DE Ritter, LG Gandini Jr, S Pinto Ados, DB Ravelli, A Locks
World J Orthod 7 (3), 279-85, 2006
Occurrence of skeletal malocclusions in Brazilian patients with dentofacial deformities
EM Boeck, N Lunardi, AS Pinto, KEDC Pizzol, RJ Boeck Neto
Brazilian dental journal 22, 340-345, 2011
Incremental growth charts for condylar growth between 6 and 16 years of age
PH Buschang, A Santos-Pinto, A Demirjian
The European Journal of Orthodontics 21 (2), 167-173, 1999
Volumetric upper airway assessment in patients with transverse maxillary deficiency after surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion
VA Pereira-Filho, MS Monnazzi, MAC Gabrielli, R Spin-Neto, ...
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 43 (5), 581-586, 2014
Clinical and microbiological studies of children and adolescents receiving orthodontic treatment.
RO Rego, CA Oliveira, A dos Santos-Pinto, SF Jordan, JJ Zambon, ...
American journal of dentistry 23 (6), 317, 2010
Cutting characteristics of dental diamond burs made with CVD technology
LM Lima, C Motisuki, L Santos-Pinto, A Santos-Pinto, EJ Corat
Brazilian oral research 20, 155-161, 2006
Systematic Review Craniocervical posture and craniofacial morphology
LCR Gomes, KOC Horta, JR Gonçalves, A dos Santos-Pinto
The European Journal of Orthodontics 36 (1), 55-66, 2014
Evaluation of factors related to the success of miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion
CB Oliveira, P Ayub, F Angelieri, WH Murata, SS Suzuki, DB Ravelli, ...
The Angle Orthodontist 91 (2), 187-194, 2021
Microimplant assisted rapid palatal expansion vs surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion for maxillary transverse discrepancy treatment
CB de Oliveira, P Ayub, IM Ledra, WH Murata, SS Suzuki, DB Ravelli, ...
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 159 (6), 733-742, 2021
Differences in bite force between dolichofacial and brachyfacial individuals: Side of mastication, gender, weight and height
PR Quiudini, DH Pozza, A dos Santos Pinto, MF de Arruda, ...
Journal of prosthodontic research 61 (3), 283-289, 2017
Evaluation of cutting patterns produced in primary teeth by an air-abrasion system.
C Peruchi, L Santos-Pinto, A Santos-Pinto, E Barbosa e Silva
Quintessence international 33 (4), 2002
Effects of age and gender on upper airway, lower airway and upper lip growth
RC Gonçalves, DB Raveli, AS Pinto
Brazilian oral research 25, 241-247, 2011
Erro de reprodutibilidade das medidas cefalométricas das análises de Steiner e de Ricketts, pelo método convencional e pelo método computadorizado
LP Martins, AS Pinto, JCR Martins, AJD Mendes
Ortodontia, 4-17, 1995
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