Daniel Calderini
Daniel Calderini
Profesor Titular, Instituto de Produccion y Sanidad Vegetal, universidad Austral de Chile
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Raising yield potential of wheat. III. Optimizing partitioning to grain while maintaining lodging resistance
MJ Foulkes, GA Slafer, WJ Davies, PM Berry, R Sylvester-Bradley, ...
Journal of experimental botany 62 (2), 469-486, 2011
Grain weight and grain number responsiveness to pre-anthesis temperature in wheat, barley and triticale
C Ugarte, DF Calderini, GA Slafer
Field Crops Research 100 (2-3), 240-248, 2007
Changes in yield and yield stability in wheat during the 20th century
DF Calderini, GA Slafer
Field Crops Research 57 (3), 335-347, 1998
Prospects of doubling global wheat yields
MJ Hawkesford, JL Araus, R Park, D Calderini, D Miralles, T Shen, ...
Food and Energy security 2 (1), 34-48, 2013
Yield components and compensation in wheat: opportunities for further increasing yield potential
GA Slafer, DF Calderini, DJ Miralles
Increasing yield potential in wheat: Breaking the Barriers, 101-133, 1996
Genetic improvement in wheat yield and associated traits. A re‐examination of previous results and the latest trends
DF Calderini, MF Dreccer, GA Slafer
Plant breeding 114 (2), 108-112, 1995
Changes in grain weight as a consequence of de-graining treatments at pre-and post-anthesis in synthetic hexaploid lines of wheat (Triticum durum x T. tauschii)
DF Calderini, MP Reynolds
Functional Plant Biology 27 (3), 183-191, 2000
Consequences of breeding on biomass, radiation interception and radiation-use efficiency in wheat
DF Calderini, MF Dreccer, GA Slafer
Field Crops Research 52 (3), 271-281, 1997
The importance of the period immediately preceding anthesis for grain weight determination in wheat
DF Calderini, R Savin, LG Abeledo, MP Reynolds, GA Slafer
Euphytica 119, 199-204, 2001
Has yield stability changed with genetic improvement of wheat yield?
DF Calderini, GA Slafer
Euphytica 107, 51-59, 1999
Effect of temperature and carpel size during pre-anthesis on potential grain weight in wheat
DF Calderini, LG Abeledo, R Savin, GA Slafer
The Journal of Agricultural Science 132 (4), 453-459, 1999
Grain position affects grain macronutrient and micronutrient concentrations in wheat
DF Calderini, I Ortiz‐Monasterio
Crop Science 43 (1), 141-151, 2003
Physiological Basis of Yield Gains in Wheat Associated with the Lr19 Translocation from Agropyron Elongatum
MP Reynolds, DF Calderini, AG Condon, S Rajaram
Wheat in a Global Environment: Proceedings of the 6th International Wheat …, 2001
Consequences of wheat breeding on nitrogen and phosphorus yield, grain nitrogen and phosphorus concentration and associated traits
DF Calderini, S Torres-León, GA Slafer
Annals of Botany 76 (3), 315-322, 1995
Combining high grain number and weight through a DH-population to improve grain yield potential of wheat in high-yielding environments
DV Bustos, AK Hasan, MP Reynolds, DF Calderini
Field Crops Research 145, 106-115, 2013
Final grain weight in wheat as affected by short periods of high temperature during pre-and post-anthesis under field conditions
R Savin, DF Calderini, GA Slafer, LG Abeledo
Functional Plant Biology 26 (5), 453-458, 1999
Expansins expression is associated with grain size dynamics in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
XC Lizana, R Riegel, LD Gomez, J Herrera, A Isla, SJ McQueen-Mason, ...
Journal of experimental botany 61 (4), 1147-1157, 2010
Genetic improvement of barley yield potential and its physiological determinants in Argentina (1944–1998)
LG Abeledo, DF Calderini, GA Slafer
Euphytica 130 (3), 325-334, 2003
Genetic gains in wheat yield and main physiological changes associated with them during the 20th century
DF Calderini, MP Reynolds, GA Slafer
Wheat: ecology and physiology of yield determination. New York: Food Product …, 1999
Crop physiology: applications for genetic improvement and agronomy
V Sadras, D Calderini
Academic Press, 2009
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