Artur Wyrwa
Węgiel dla polskiej energetyki w perspektywie 2050 roku–analizy scenariuszowe
L Gawlik
Górnicza Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa, Wyd. Instytutu GSMiE PAN, Katowice, 299, 2013
A new approach for coupling the short-and long-term planning models to design a pathway to carbon neutrality in a coal-based power system
A Wyrwa, W Suwała, M Pluta, M Raczyński, J Zyśk, S Tokarski
Energy 239, 122438, 2022
The impact of the long-term EU target for renewables on the structure of electricity production in Poland
L Gawlik, A Szurlej, A Wyrwa
Energy 92, 172-178, 2015
Emissions of mercury from the power sector in Poland
J Zyśk, A Wyrwa, M Pluta
Atmospheric Environment 45 (3), 605-610, 2011
An optimization platform for Poland's power sector considering air pollution and health effects
A Wyrwa
Environmental Modelling & Software 74, 227-237, 2015
Benefits of European climate policies for mercury air pollution
P Rafaj, J Cofala, J Kuenen, A Wyrwa, J Zyśk
atmosphere 5 (1), 45-59, 2014
Mapping urban heat demand with the use of GIS-based tools
A Wyrwa, Y Chen
Energies 10 (5), 720, 2017
Including the temporal change in PM2. 5 concentration in the assessment of human health impact: Illustration with renewable energy scenarios to 2050
B Gschwind, M Lefevre, I Blanc, T Ranchin, A Wyrwa, K Drebszok, ...
Environmental impact assessment review 52, 62-68, 2015
Primary energy consumption in selected EU Countries compared to global trends
T Olkuski, W Suwała, A Wyrwa, J Zyśk, B Tora
Open Chemistry 19 (1), 503-510, 2021
Comparison of the techno-economic characteristics of different flexibility options in the European energy system
J Michaelis, T Müller, U Reiter, F Fermi, A Wyrwa, Y Chen, C Zöphel, ...
2017 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-5, 2017
eScience on Distributed Computing Infrastructure: Achievements of PLGrid Plus Domain-Specific Services and Tools
M Bubak, J Kitowski, K Wiatr
Springer, 2014
Energy scenarios for Poland-a comparison of PRIMES and TIMES-PL modeling results
A Wyrwa, A Szurlej, L Gawlik, W Suwała
Journal of Power Technologies 95 (5), 100-106, 2015
The impact of decarbonization scenarios on air quality and human health in Poland—Analysis of scenarios up to 2050
J Zyśk, A Wyrwa, W Suwała, M Pluta, T Olkuski, M Raczyński
Atmosphere 11 (11), 1222, 2020
Green power markets: support schemes, case studies and perspectives
L Mez
(No Title), 2007
A generalized unit commitment and economic dispatch approach for analysing the Polish power system under high renewable penetration
M Pluta, A Wyrwa, W Suwała, J Zyśk, M Raczyński, S Tokarski
Energies 13 (8), 1952, 2020
Report on cost optimal energy technology portfolios for system flexibility in the sectors heat, electricity and mobility
C Zöphel, S Schreiber, A Herbst, AL Klingler, P Manz, S Heitel, F Fermi, ...
REFLEX project report, 2019
Modelling of the atmospheric dispersion of mercury emitted from the power sector in Poland
J Zyśk, Y Roustan, A Wyrwa
Atmospheric environment 112, 246-256, 2015
Modelling the long-term development of an energy system with the use of a technology explicit partial equilibrium model
A Wyrwa, M Pluta, S Skoneczny, T Mirowski
eScience on Distributed Computing Infrastructure: Achievements of PLGrid …, 2014
Wyniki wstępnych badań nad długookresowym rozwojem krajowego systemu wytwarzania energii elektrycznej w Polsce
M Pluta, A Wyrwa, T Mirowski, J Zyśk
Polityka Energetyczna 15, 85-96, 2012
Trends in coal use–global, EU and Poland
W Suwała, A Wyrwa, T Olkuski
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 268 (1), 012003, 2017
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